Katherine Hayhoe Permanent Drought Update

ScreenHunter_2597 Jul. 22 15.11

Katherine Hayhoe spent much of the year hysterically warning Texas government agencies about Mann-made drought.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Katherine Hayhoe Permanent Drought Update

  1. I bet that lady never has the other kind of drought…..it looks like money turns her on.

  2. Tony B says:

    Local NPR mentioned through gritted teeth yesterday that for the first time in 5 years, no parts of Texas were currently in drought conditions.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    “Katherine Hayhoe spent much of the year hysterically warning Texas government agencies about Mann-made drought.”

    Then the heads of each of those government agencies she lobbied should know what a complete fool she is.

  4. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven aka Tony, for having the courage to confront liers.

  5. wayne says:

    Plants are loving the extra CO2 here. Keep it on coming, the more CO2, the better.

    Haven’t seen such perfect climate since the 60’s and 80’s but the 70’s were just plain too cold and will be back in about fifteen years from now it seems.

  6. gator69 says:

    I guess that like Supreme Court Justices, the positon of “Climate Expert” is a lifetime appointment regardless of performance.

  7. lance says:

    WHATEVER you guys do down in the USA….please don’t send her back here to Canada, we already have a fruit/nut Suzuki….

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