Daily Archives: February 2, 2016

1936 – The Hottest And Coldest Year In US History

Eighty years ago this month was one of the coldest months in US history. Prairie du Chien Wisconsin had 21 nights below 0F, and nine nights below -20F The summer of 1936 was the hottest in history. Prairie du Chien recorded … Continue reading

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Two Reasons For NOAA To Be Concerned About Fake Climate Data

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West Antarctic Fraud

Climate experts say that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is collapsing because of your SUV, but they have known for 40 years that whatever is going on there has nothing to do with climate 23 Jan 1977, Page 13 – … Continue reading

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Results Are In From Iowa

We have a clear winner in Iowa. The 1930s were much hotter than now.

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