Bottineau, North Dakota recorded both their hottest (44C) and coldest (-45C) days on record in 1936. That is a spread of 160 degrees F between February 12 and July 12.
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You got your facts wrong; The difference between sustainability and disaster is only 2C.. When are global warming denielists going to recognize that.
Off topic-
I just stumbled across this link, and I thought many on here would be interested:
It’s supposed to be a free download sight for just about any scientific research paper in existence.
That said, they claim to have over 47 million papers available. Maybe they hacked Gail’s personal library. It doesn’t appear to have anything more than a search bar, so I guess you’d need to know exactly what you’re looking for.
On topic-
It really amazes me when I hear that 2 degrees will mean the end of humanity. Even here, in boring, weatherless Santa Barbara, (mean January high=65, mean July high=75) I’ve personally seen a spread of just over 100 degrees. 18 on a winter morning, and 122 on an August afternoon. I don’t think they were in the same year, but I was in high school for both.
But two degrees… That’ll be a real killer.
Current temperature (C) of the Great Lakes.
My little piece of Heaven saw a 101F difference between the record high and record low on the 13th of February, 83F for the record high and -18F for the record low. On the same date! So what is the “normal” temperature?
As you can see in the medium altitudes it is the most important air circulation.
Does anyone know of the all time difference between the high and low at a given location since thermometer measurement? In other words, the all time record high at that location minus the all time record low.
~ Mark
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