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- Bob G on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
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- conrad ziefle on Kamala Planning Another Half Trillion Dollars For Ukraine
- Richard E Fritz on Kamala Planning Another Half Trillion Dollars For Ukraine
- Richard E Fritz on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
- Gordon Vigurs on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
- Mike Peinsipp on “Record winter low”
- Mike Peinsipp on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
- Mike Peinsipp on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
Daily Archives: July 21, 2021
Faster Than Predicted
John Kerry says global warming is happening faster than predicted. “Everything the scientists have told us will happen is happening but bigger and faster than predicted,” Kerry said during a speech in London at the Royal Botanic Gardens, saying worsening … Continue reading
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The Untouchables
Climate alarmists know that they can say whatever they want, and the press will give them coverage and never ask any questions. Three weeks ago Jonathan Overpeck said the southwest got over 115F and the US was experiencing its first … Continue reading
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