Monthly Archives: August 2021

Extreme Melt In Greenland

Greenland is more than ten times the size of Florida. It wouldn’t take a lot of melt to produce that much water.   Eight billion tons of snow melted on Greenland in one day. During May, twelve billion tons of … Continue reading

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Unprecedented Heat Wave

The percent of the US to reach 95F sometime this summer has been the lowest on record. The percent of days over 95F has been close to the lowest on record. And the press says we are having an unprecedented … Continue reading

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AGU – Floods in Germany And China Caused By Global Warming

2:15 PM · Aug 2, 2021 Germany received five inches of rain in 24 hours. How climate change fueled the devastating 2021 floods in Germany and northwest Europe – Vox In 1920, Germany received five inches of rain in eight … Continue reading

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Extreme Melt In Greenland

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Extreme Rainfall

According to climate experts, extreme rainfall is increasing because warm air holds more moisture. Extreme Precipitation and Climate Change | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions Germany had five inches of rain in 24 hours, and experts say that was … Continue reading

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Extreme Fraud At NOAA And NASA

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Climate Apocalypse Sunday

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Extreme Rainfall

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“Inclusion And Respect”

“Respect and inclusion”

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Extreme Fraud At NOAA

NOAA’s Climate Extremes Index shows summer afternoon temperatures much above normal are affecting more and more of the US, with the past decade was highest on record. They show an upwards trend beginning around fifty years ago. U.S. Climate Extremes … Continue reading

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