On July 16, 1901 Oklahoma and Nebraska were over 110F, twenty-three states were over 100F and forty-five states were over 90F. Crops were ruined by the heat and drought and Canada and England were also having deadly heat waves.
OK 113, NE 110
AZ 109, KS 109, MO 107, AR 106, IA 106, TX 106, WI 106, IL 105, CO 104, LA 103, MS 103, KY 102, SD 102, UT 102, AL 101, ME 101, MN 101, TN 101, IN 100, NM 100, OH 100
NJ 98, CA 97, FL 97, GA 97, MI 97, NH 97, OR 97, SC 97, ID 96, MT 96, VT 96, WY 96, NV 95, NY 95, WV 94, MA 93, MD 92, PA 92, VA 91, WA 91, DE 90, NC 90
“LA CROSSE, Wis., July 15,—The temperature today reached 100. Two prostrations were reported. Crops in Western Wisconsin are suffering great damage from the drought.
BARABOO, Wis., July 18.—Today was the hottest day on record in this section, At noon the thermometer registered 103 in the shade, The drought still continues and many farmers are selling off their stock for want of feed. The oats crop is a total failure,
SPRINGFIPLD, M1, July 15.—Advices from all over the central and southern parts of the state are to the effect that the continued heat and drought are burning the corn crop badly, and that if heavy rains do not occur soon the crop will be almost an entire failure. Potatoes, apples, berries and almost all vegetation are suffering greatly from drought.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., July i5.—Intense heat the past two weeks still continues. The temperature eat noon today was 99 to 101, according to the locality. Pastures re burning up and corn is badly shriveled. The loss In this county on corn is fully 20 per cent.”
16 Jul 1901, Page 1 – The Saint Paul Globe at Newspapers.com
16 Jul 1901, 1 – The Victoria Daily Times at Newspapers.com