Monthly Archives: October 2023

Washington D C

#1 climate scamster Michael Mann is the wealthiest university teacher in the US. President Eisenhower warned about this problem over sixty years ago.

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Back To The 1930s

Just like in Germany 85 years ago, Harvard blames Jews for atrocities committed against them. (20+) Facebook 25 Sep 1940, 4 – Calgary Herald at

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Unelected And Not Wholesome

In 1966 Time Magazine made some predictions about the future, which contained several important errors. “How to use leisure meaningfully will be a major problem, and Herman Kahn foresees a pleasure-oriented society full of “wholesome degeneracy.” “There are some who … Continue reading

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The End Of Penguins

One of these pictures shows Antarctic sea ice extent on October 8, 2023 and the other shows the same for October 8, 1986. According to climate experts, one is normal and the other is a Penguin killing crisis.  Which one … Continue reading

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Talking To Himself

Michael Mann has almost everyone with a different opinion blocked, and says they are awful people. But it isn’t clear who he is talking to, because the people he is referring to can’t see his tweets. 12:16 PM · Oct … Continue reading

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Old Climate Comedians

Minnesota has a long history of political comedy, and now their former senator is doing tag-team climate comedy as well.

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Global Boiling Day 73

It has been 73 days since the United Nations announced that the world is boiling. My climate team continues to document the crisis.

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“Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians”

“Reversing Trump, Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians” Reversing Trump, Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians – The New York Times

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Delusional About Many Topics

Michael Mann imagines he is a scientist, among other things. 4:24 PM · Oct 6, 2023

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100% Fake Climate Journalism

“In my studies of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.” – … Continue reading

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