Disrupting the public to warn them about a new ice age. h/t Russell Cook
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Nice. Dietrich was always my favourite.
One of my favorite shows. I was in high school at the time and all the talk about global cooling and the next ice age was definitely part of classroom discussions.
Yours is not an isolated incident, I spoke of my own grade school classroom global cooling discussion in the 4th paragraph of my May 2011 guest post at CEI’s blog https://web.archive.org/web/20110528191503/http://www.globalwarming.org/2011/05/26/global-warming-promoters-unsustainable-accusation-tactic/ . I don’t remember that episode of “Barney Miller” back in the day, but I’d run across it in re-runs on one of my cable channels a few years ago, and only just recently found a Youtube guy who’d recorded a good copy of it – which Tony reproduces here. The global cooling craze I grew up in was the exact reason why I was an instant skeptic of Senators Al Gore and Tim Wirth and NASA scientist James Hanson made their major news splash in 1988 because they never explained why the idea of runaway cooling was out the window. I’m ever more of a skeptic today because of all the efforts by the enviros to say there were no such widespread cooling concerns.
Turns out Gore was pro-warming years earlier which I wasn’t aware of, but as I explained in one of my GelbspanFiles blog posts ( http://gelbspanfiles.com/?p=15371 , reposted at WUWT https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/04/22/for-earth-day-the-1983-wgbh-episode-of-nova-the-climate-crisis-the-greenhouse-effect/) about Gore’s appearance in a 1983 CAGW video, that earlier effort appeared to be a pure Stephen Schneider effort that looks every bit like a template for alarmism which is still followed to this very day….. one element it was missing, however, was the bit about “industry-corrupted skeptic climate scientists.”