Burning Arctic

Experts say the Arctic is burning and the hot Arctic is making China freeze.

Climate Reanalyzer

Weakened polar vortex seen as likely culprit behind China’s big chill | Reuters

Growth of Arctic sea ice during the first three weeks of December was second largest in the last 45 years, and extent is second highest in the last nineteen years.


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Burning Arctic

  1. Billyjack says:

    The DMI sea ice extent is approaching their 1981-2010 norm, so it will shortly abruptly drop like a rock like it did in November.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    Two weeks ago, global warming was causing Europe to freeze, and parts of the US. Today it is causing China to freeze (please keep it up). Last year, it caused the US to freeze. Global warming, the Devil of the Climate Change Cult, causes everything. You don’t have to waste energy, thinking. Just be a true believer.

  3. rah says:

    Of course a very active sun reaching it’s peak in the solar cycle couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the perturbing of the vortex from a zonal to a meridional flow. Na! Couldn’t be! Never mind the mountains of evidence that such changes in the flow often occur under such conditions.

    Europe got theirs. Then Russia/Siberia got theirs. Now China is getting theirs. Now who do you all think is next in line? We’ll know about the middle of January if the slosh of Arctic air is going to visit us in N. America. I’m betting it will.

    • dm says:

      “Europe got theirs. Then Russia/Siberia … Now China …” is that anti-racist, equity, equitable, fairness, weather or climate?;-}

      • rah says:

        Just an expression of the slosh theory that is frequently manifested in a meridional pattern.

        Weather and climate do not adhere to “climate justice”. Only idiot leftist democrats do that.

  4. rah says:

    They Love to use those red colors on their anomaly maps. The problem is that it still well below freezing up there.


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