Making The Data Better

Ten years ago, the BBC reported that the global warming hiatus was central to the IPCC report.  Since then it has been completely erased.

Global warming pause ‘central’ to IPCC climate report – BBC News

Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA

NOAA erased the global warming pause by changing the data to make it better.

“The climate change hiatus was more of a suspected “slowdown, not a disappearance of global warming,” as the world’s oceans were still warming, but at a lesser rate than previously predicted, according to Climate Central. However, many scientists acknowledged the slowdown, which allegedly took place from 1998 to 2012. Climate change doubters also took note, and used the slowdown as evidence that climate change was a hoax, the researchers of the new study said.

But in 2015, NOAA published an analysis showing that the slowdown wasn’t real, and was the result of measurement errors. The modern buoys that measure ocean temperatures tend to report slightly cooler temperatures than older ship-based systems, even when measuring the same part of the ocean, the NOAA researchers found.”

Forget About Global Warming Pause — It Doesn’t Exist | Live Science

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Making The Data Better

  1. Bill says:

    I just love how “scientists” are becoming more and more productive:

    Surge in number of ‘extremely productive’ authors concerns scientists

    Some researchers publish a new paper every five days, on average. Data trackers suspect not all their manuscripts were produced through honest labour.

  2. Joe says:

    Hmm… I think this needs further investigation.
    Is it not true what’s written after the highlighted paragraph, that in the 1950’s ships used to measure water piped through the engine room which is usually warmer?
    That explanation sounds like it makes sense.

    • Petit_Barde says:

      Underwater temperatures (formerly measured by ship-based systems and after by buoys) have nothing to do with sea surface temperatures (which are supposed to be measured in the atmosphere at an altitude of 2 meters) :
      – you can’t mix underwater measurements with atmospheric measurement since they do not have the same heat capacity : this makes no sense.

      It would be nevertheless insteresting to compare the land only temperatures published by the IPPC in 2013 which shows almost no trend since 1880 with the current publications of the “same data”.

      BTW, actual sea (underwater) temperatures have nothing to do with CO2 :
      – the CO2 15 microns emissions does not penetrate water more than 10 microns,
      – Wien’s displacement law shows that a (black) body which emits mainly at 15 microns has a temperature of -80°C : thus CO2 can’t warm almost anything on earth and particularly the oceans which are way warmer than that,
      – the oceans are warmer than the atmosphere and thus they warm the atmopshere : it’s not the opposite (which is impossible by the second law of thermodynamics),
      – the volumetric heat capacity of the oceans which is 3450 times higher than the volumetric heat capacity of the atmosphere makes it impossible anyway for even a warmer atmosphere to significantly (measurably) increase the oceans temperatures.

  3. rah says:

    “Global Temperature” is all they have to hold on to! Despite there being an El Nino and the SSTs running higher than they have at any other time in the modern era, there is nothing of note happening!

    Not a single predicted weather/climate disaster has occurred. None of the many declared “tipping points” have resulted in runaway warming. The Arctic is same ole, same ole. Polar bear populations are increasing. Greenland ice sheet SMB is same ole, same ole. SLR is plodding along at the same post LIA pace. Nothing unusual happening in Antarctica.

    And COP 28 goes on at its chosen hot, arid, desert location. And worst of all for them, the sane people are refusing to buy what they have been selling despite an unprecedented media blitz declaring the whole line up of possible climate disasters leading up to the conference.

    Snow birds still flocking to Florida during the winter months.

  4. The thermal inertia of the oceans yields a time constant of the order of 800 years, any warming trend we see at present has more to do with the Medieval Warm Period than burning fossil fuels in the 20th Century.

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