Meteor Shower Of November 1833

“This morning, between half past 3 and half past 4 o’clock, there was a war of shooting stars in the northwest, For an hour meteor succeeded meteor in such rapid succession, that it was impossible to count them; at times-the sky seemed full of them, and the earth was illuminated as with a morning light.”

19 Nov 1833, 3 – Richmond Enquirer at

“the phenomenon was visible as far North as Portsmouth and Concord in N. Hampshire. —The Portsmouth Journal states, that the shooting stars continued to fall from 3 o’clock sill day-break. “Hundreds were seen at the same moment descending to the earth in every direction”

26 Nov 1833, 4 – Richmond Enquirer at

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Meteor Shower Of November 1833

  1. dm says:

    Is a meteor shower weather or climate?;-}

  2. Disillusioned says:

    Just yesterday afternoon, a friend told me he saw two shooting stars yesterday morning when he walked outside to get in his car to go to work.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    The human use of fossil fuels has caused asteroids to fall out of orbit. It might even cause the Sun to change orbits and flee the solar system. Ask Al Gore and Greta.

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