The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

“Inside the right-wing conspiracy to thwart the clean energy transition”

Inside the right-wing conspiracy to thwart the clean… | Canary Media

“Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition”

Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition | Sierra Club

My wind and solar installation is currently producing 0 watts.

Wind and solar continue to be nearly irrelevant around the world.

Primary energy consumption by source, World

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

  1. arn says:

    Local opposition – the choice to decide wether people want windmills or gas tanks like Obama – is right wing and now including the save the whales guys.
    And this from a club founded by a – republican?

    And people have no say in terms of green transition – they must accept it?

    And the global cooling scare is a myth?
    Maybe they should read some hundred msm articles here.
    But what would be the dogooder world if they’d eventually tried to do some basic research instead of throwing around words like
    Climate Science Denier,
    Right Wing Think Tanks and Fossil Fuel Shills.

    And where is the logic in taking tens of millions from the fossil fuel industry and then complaining about fossil fuel shills?
    Maybe parasitism,opportunism and hypocrisy?

  2. I’m pretty sure the contributors to this discussion are working on their own dime; just like me, they have a distaste for woo-woo pseudo science and rabble rousing.

  3. D. Boss says:

    Well Rebecca seems to be unable to intelligently debate matters of fact, as she has to resort to perjorative attacks on opponents to her worldview. Calling detractors to a cause “science deniers” or “fossil fuel shills” signals she has no valid or strong arguments for her cause/belief.

    A few recent peer reviewed papers show her argument to be without merit:

    There are hundreds if not thousands of papers like this, completely destroying or refuting the CO2 is evil narrative.

    I should remind her and her brainwashed and ignorant cohorts of this quote:

    “The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature’s proper steward and society’s only hope.” – David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club, founder of Friends of the Earth

    What better way to generate the socialist utopia than to destroy cheap, reliable and plentiful energy? And thus force everyone into a slavish devotion to the collective good?

    No Rebecca and her ilk would not last a month in a world without fossil fuels. There can be no metals, no plastics, no synthetics, no drugs, no roads, no water purification, no sewage treatment, no stores, etc. Could she fashion some clothing from nature alone in time to avoid hypothermia? What about food? Could she learn to snare squirrels or rabbits before starving to death?

    the ignorance of so many people is stunning!

  4. Bill says:

    My days of climbing up on my roof are over. So, if I wanted to have my solar panels washed free of dirt, or if I wanted to have accumulated snow and ice removed, I’d need to pay someone. If I had panels on my roof sufficient to power my house, I would spend $250-$500 per instance.

    I don’t usually see these estimates on any of the payback calculations for solar panels.

    • arn says:

      Solar Panels are only useful in certain regions
      but they have at least one real benefit – as they are able to produce energy for several decades.

      And in terms of snow – on a steep roof, panels with integrated heating(similar to rear windows) may help to get rid of the snow.

      • Richard E Fritz says:

        heating panels takes energy – lots of energy

        • arn says:

          I do not doubt that(the joke is that it takes fossil fuels), but I did not mean to melt them free, but to just create a tiny liquid layer to make the rest slip down (That’s why I mentioned steep roof/Panel) to create some kind of avalanche effect.
          If the energy that is needed to do this is a solar input of a single day it may be a useful thing in certain regions.

  5. Conrad Ziefle says:

    She uses all of the Marxist dog whistles and expects all her dogs to wake up in a fury and attack the heretics.

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