Michael Mann seems to be obsessed with me, now relying on misinformation and identity theft – rather than dialog.
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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
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- arn on “Fascist Salute”
I would say sit and watch and see how far into the quicksand he will go, before you jump on his head with all the legal weight you can muster.
Congrats Tony – you became Manns personal Trump.
Suffering from Tony Derangement Syndrome must be a real pain for the little mann.
If only little mann would invest 1% of the time he is using to defame others,
on all the failed climate predictions,climate gate and BS of Al Gores Inconvenient Fairy-tale he’d become a useful human being.
Btw – what is a reformed climate denier compared to a normal climate denier?
Is this some wordplay or failed joke.
Reformed from which position?
Is this what modern science has degenerated to? Mud slinging which has nothing to do with facts, logic or reason. This is behaviour which belongs in the primary school playground, which most people left behind by the age of 12. For anybody with an intellect and a respect for science, it is positively painful to witness.
The moment you sell your soul to the devil there is no way out. If he would ever dare to change the story he would be terminated.
You even wonder if it is him writing these comments or his ”bodyguards”.
Oh, my God. This guy is deranged. There is nothing more dangerous than extremists on a self-appointed holy mission to save the planet. I’d say Mann needs a psychiatrist who can prescribe Depakote for him.
I’d like to suggest a Twitter/X account called “Michael Mann, Medicated and Lucid”.
All the “Tony,Exposed” account needs to do is say one single off-color thing about The Mann, and he will be blocked by The Mann, too. Clima-Changeā¢ causes the mobsters over on that side to get thinner skin the longer this issue drags on.