“Whoa ? we really really fucked it up! It was a big mistake to do this accomplishment in the 80s with less Sulfur but not(!) fucking not! Not! Again not sorry to repeat not reduce fucking CO2 or fucking growth. Fuck Fuck Fuck! Tropic Temperatures are little down but Overshoot and Future Heat is real and Officials do nothing…nothing and we still believe we can outgrow of this mess with some heat pumps and PV blabla…”
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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More of this moron’s gibberish here:-
He is right about one thing, they really fucked up, but that is typical of Marxist behavior. It would be nice if he labelled his lines. In any case, he appears to have gone psychotic over a few days of data, which may or not, be correct. Does he understand that it is normal for data to deviate around a mean?
what a STUPID C–t this deck head is