Nobel Prize Winning Forecast

At the Nobel Prize ceremony on December 10, 2007, Al Gore predicted an ice-free Arctic by 2014. There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice coverage since then.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Nobel Prize Winning Forecast

  1. oeman50 says:

    You are deliberately trashing Our Climate Leader, Mr. Gore. Just look at the Arctic. Is there any ice there? I don’t see any. Who ya gonna believe, Algore or your lyin’ eyes!

  2. Bob G says:

    Al Gore responds, don’t trust your lying eyes you climate change denier! Herr Goebles reminds you….1. Avoid abstract ideas – appeal to the emotions.
    2 Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
    3 Give only one side of the argument.
    4 Continuously criticize your opponents.
    5. Pick out one special “enemy” for special vilification. further instructions from the ministry of truth will follow. 🙂

    • arn says:

      6. Be always wrong with all of your predictions.
      7. Be never criticized for all your wrong predictions by the same MSM and Experts who will instantly attack anyone like rabid dogs who goes against the narrative.
      8. Get an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Price in the same year to multiply the propaganda impact of your lies presented as documentary.

    • dm says:

      Herr Gorebels should be used in future comments;-}

      Future posts should also refer to the NoBalls (aka NoBrains) Award.

  3. Bob G says:

    check out this video from the good sailboat Lumi, taken a few days ago, 1300 miles south of the North Pole. The ice free Arctic doesn’t look so ice free.

  4. Bob G says:

    in between watching football tonight with my cousin we caught some of the Kommyla Harris interview. I will give Dana a little bit of credit because she did ask a few pertinent questions. but notice what qualifies you to be a candidate for president in the Democrat party. it’s simply your skill at not answering a question. I will give Harris a b minus on that. a b minus and improving. scary thought that she could win. notice there was no pushback on Harris’s claim that we’re in a climate crisis. that was the easiest one to push back on. Dana could have said where is the crisis? and ask… is the crisis in the room with us at this moment? lol. here’s my opinion on this Summer’s weather in Central Minnesota. pure Paradise. it couldn’t have been any better. if I were to the nitpick…there were a few too many mosquitoes.

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    cannot pick the worst Nobel DEI award- Al Gore, Jimmy Carter or Great Divider with his Blame Thrower- Obama

    • arn says:

      How comes that the most aggressive killing machine
      that is waging WW3 the Fabian way on the rest of the world
      (and finally and logically on its own citizens – the only reason why US citizens all of a sudden started to care),
      got 3 Nobel Peace Prizes within 7 – and all of them from the very center of the war machine ; and all democrats.

      Quiet a coincidence when you have a billion people to chose from every year.
      Just as the coincidence that those other very recentLaureates are on the US(aid)
      pay list are and antagonists of nations that are on US enemy list,or recently assimilated by a colorful uprising or a revolution on its way.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    It just occurred to me that Kennedy’s family was okay with him running against the Democrats as an independent, but as soon as he endorsed Trump, he became a pariah. So it has nothing to do with him deserting the party, and it has everything to do with them hating Trump.

    • Bob G says:

      the Kennedy family must not like the bad press. why else? what do they have in common with the grifter families – the bidens and the clintons? not much that I can see.

    • arn says:

      Are you sure?
      Didn’t some of the Kennedies started to smear him day 1 when he started to run as independent?

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