Dominion Voting says they are honest and transparent, while not allowing voters to reply or ask questions.

A majority (55%) of Democrats think the cheat is coming. They are joined by 58% of Independents and 83% of Republicans.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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  1. arn says:

    Well Obama promised to have the most transparent government ever,
    and then he censored more than all previous governments.

    We can expect the same kind of transparency and outcome from Do -Minion
    as both are owned by the same people.

  2. Francis Barnett says:

    Why is electronic voting deemed necessary in USA?
    Here is how voting is done in France (I can’t vote in France as I am not a French citizen)
    Voting is done using paper and manual counting. The voter gets pre-printed ballot papers (bulletin) from a table at the entrance of the voting office (mail-in voting is not allowed in France[7]). There is one ballot paper for each candidate, pair of candidates (for departmental elections) or list. The voter then has their identity and registration checked by an official, after which the voter takes an envelope. If they also act as a proxy for another voter, they take a second envelope. The voter then enters a curtained booth (isoloir), where they are hidden from sight, and inserts the ballot paper of their candidate into the envelope. They walk to the ballot box, where the president of the voting office or their deputy formally checks their identity.[8][9] Only in municipalities under 1,000 inhabitants is an official identity document optional, if the deputy can attest of the identity.[10] After the officials have acknowledged their right to vote, the ballot box is opened and the voter inserts the envelope. One of the officials, traditionally loudly, announces “A votĂ©! (Did vote!)”. This is purely ceremonial and has a double meaning: the voter’s voix (voice) will be taken into account and they have accomplished their civic duty. The voter then signs the voters’ list and their voter registration card is stamped.
    Immediately after the closing of the polling stations, the ballots are counted manually at each polling station, which any French citizen can ask to witness if they wish.
    Electronic voting is used only for French citizens living abroad and for two specific elections: legislative and consular elections. The voting figures are then reported to a central station, and the votes recounted manually the next day for reference.


    (Note the image of the transparent voting box containing the envelopes)

    What stuffs the system up is the two elections on successive Sunday’s ,the two candidates with the most votes nationally go forward to a run-off the next Sunday. – the French always try to be clever by voting tactically to keep the candidate they don’t want out. Then they end up with who they didn’t vote for as the winner! ( eg Macron?)

    • Jack the Insider says:

      Certainly an improvement on what happens in the US but possibly a little bit too far the other way. It must cost a fortune and slow counting down considerably. Australia has a pretty reliable system without going over the top. There is no electronic voting allowed. You can apply for a postal vote but it is strictly regulated. Most elections end up having around 5% attributed to postal votes. For the rest, you turn up to a voting station and when it’s your turn, you front the electoral officer whose first question is “have you already voted” to which of course you say “no”. The officer then asks for your name and which he looks up on the electoral role. You then have to confirm your address, after which he puts a line through your name and hands you your voting papers. You then walk up to a voting both made of cardboard that provides side privacy without being enclosed. Pencils are provided but there is nothing stopping you bringing your own ink pen if you prefer. After voting you fold your ballot in half and place it in a cardboard box. The electoral officers keep everything secure and scrutineers from all sides are allowed to watch to make sure no skullduggery occurs. Unless its very close, results for an electorate are generally pretty well known 3 to 4 hours after the close of voting at 6pm. The main thing is there is only one Electoral Commission and one set of rules for the whole country. Not this crap of having every State with own rules and methods.

      • Peter Carroll says:

        One thing you did not mention about voting in Australia, Jack.

        It is COMPULSORY, for all Australian citizens over the age of 18 to be registered with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and to vote.

      • Francis Barnett says:

        “It must slow counting down”
        Usually the result is known a couple of hours after the poll station closes.

        • Jack the Insider says:

          My comment of slowing down is relation to the envelop. Dont see the point of it. Every vote has to be extracted from an envelope which must add time.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    The voting machines are a scam that the population, which has been trained to accept the word of authorities, does not even question. In France, they have suffered enough under swindlers and tyrants that they are skeptical of all authority.

    • czechlist says:

      Paper ballots are so 20th Century. Political culture ($$$$) demands the use of the technology available. I foresee Gen Z will eventually be voting by phone.
      In 1972, I cast my first ballot (paper with a #2 pencil) while sitting at a cafeteria table in an elementary school elbow to elbow with other voters. No booth nor curtains nor any need for such secrecy as we respected each other and all got along despite our differences.
      IMO E Pluribus Unum will not survive the onslaught of entitlement, diversity and multiculturalism.

  4. Disillusioned says:


  5. The prisons are full of con men who were ‘accurate,reliable and transparent’.

  6. Bob G says:

    I do like listening to the Scott Adams podcasts. he’s the guy that created the Dilbert comic. he’s a very smart man. his opinion is the only reason to have a voting machine, like the ones that have been in the news after the 2020 election, the only purpose of the machines is to cheat. I think he’s right

  7. John Francis says:

    Please remember during the summer of love, 2020,the Philadelphia voting machine center was broken into.
    At least one laptop and several flash drives were stolen.
    Nothing more ever said.
    Philly was a counting disaster with cases of ballots having only top of the ticket marked.
    Republican and other poll watchers were not allowed in to monitor the obviously fraudulent scanning.
    Corrupt demoncrats city. Disgusting people.
    Joe was told early am when obvious Trump win apparent, “don’t concede” !!
    Then around 3:30 am the central vote tabulating computer, connected to the internet! received the algorithim to change history.

  8. Walter says:

    Voted today. We still use paper ballots here. Just fill in the circle. Why does it need to be more complicated than that?

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