Eight Years Ago

“Hillary Clinton so far ahead in polls that she ‘doesn’t even think about’ Donald Trump anymore”

24 October 2016

Hillary Clinton so far ahead in polls that she ‘doesn’t even think about’ Donald Trump anymore

Election day, 2016.

“Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win.”

2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? – The New York Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Eight Years Ago

  1. Disillusioned says:

    Few people turn my stomach more than that woman. Perhaps, no one. I can feel my BP raise just looking at that face. And, to think, back in the days before I had become awakened, I voted for her scoundrel husband. What a pair. SMH

    • Bob G says:

      I loved Rush Limbaugh. he made us all think that Bill Clinton was the worst thing ever. I bought it hook line and sinker. in hindsight, Bill Clinton was a far better president than both Bushes and Obama. of course Newt Gingrich gets some of the credit. Bill Clinton wouldn’t stand a chance becoming a nominee of the new crazy left Democrat party.

      • arn says:

        IMO it was Bill Clinton who started all the globalism BS( especially with NAFTA = getting rid of borders in specific domains and decimating middle class),Information Monopol (telecommunication act,)
        systematically (ab)using minorities as 1st ” black ” president and turning politics into entertainment by using celebrities
        and his activites in Arkansas have set the standard for democrats criminal,shameless behavior.
        He set even in the standards in terms of NGO foundations that are now being systematically used to interfere in foreign policies.

        He simply could not do what they are doing now as democrat voters were not so corrupt,immoral and pussified as they are now – shitlibs were not the majority back then.
        They neither had the brainwashing and information Monopol they have now, nor had they built up a fake internal opposition (Bernie Sanders revolutionary image to tranquilize the youth was still in the making).
        By numbers Bill wasn’t half as bad as W,Homo and Zombie.
        But Bill literally went as far as he could go in the 90ies
        and the only reason he did not leave behind a high inflation and erosion of middle was the Dot Com hype.
        He was responsible for the death of 1.3 million children when he bombed the pharmaceutical complex in Sudan based on lies, which lead to a massive increase in child mortality
        (and the production was eventually replaced by US companies,just as Russian gas was replaced by US gas after the USA blew up North Stream).
        And iirc he was responsible for the banking crisis by forcing banks to give loans to people who didn’t had any money.

        Dude was way more evil than his statistical numbers would suggest
        and contrary to Bush and Obama was he a high end criminal way before he entered the white house.
        There is a reason why the Clinton Bodycount was originally called arcancide and why contras were trained in Arkansas during his reign.

        • Disillusioned says:


          Don’t forget he pushed for Senate approval to join NATO in the the 1999 attacks cruise missile bombing on Yugoslavia and Serbia Bosnia. How many civilians died? https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/blunder-balkans-clinton-administrations-bungled-war-against-serbia#

          There’s not much I find good about the scoundrel, or his wife. He was smooth, and got away with a lot of bad crap – from the Governor’s mansion all the way to the White House. He wasn’t called Slick Willy for nothing. (For all he got away with, I find that to be an incredibly mild nickname.)

        • Bob G says:

          you’re way too deep into the weeds ARN. when Clinton was President we suffered almost no military deaths. the budget was close to balance. inflation was mild. He got the big stuff right. nothing came of Whitewater cuz there was no money to be made in that venture. the clintons learned how to get rich in sketchy ways after Bill left the White House. as for Bill’s personal faults, no worse than an alley cat. lol.

        • Disillusioned says:

          Come on Bob G. Although history revisionists credited Clinton for the balanced budget, it was not because of him. https://www.cato.org/commentary/no-bill-clinton-didnt-balance-budget#

          Rush Limbaugh (whom I did not like nor listen to at that time) was spot-on about Bill Clinton.

      • arn says:

        the Clintons learned how to get rich literally the day they entered the white house.
        As this was the time when Jeffrey Epstein started visiting the white house(instead of going 50 years to prison for his ponzi scheme) and helped them setting up the Clinton Foundation(the other guy involved died in a spectacular fashion btw)
        iirc ,it was the Clintons who established massive post bribery,
        by getting paid obscene amounts of money for 30 min speaches in front of billionaires
        and for incestous politics,
        where for no reason the unqualified partner became a political superstar overnight,
        as Arkansas Hilary did when she moved to NY and instantly won the election(Kennedy had to crash with his plane for her to win).

        And lets also not forget that it was Bill who massivly increased the US prison population
        and who instrumentalised the NATO to wage war(illegally,as it was against NATO laws) on Yugoslavia
        and split the country apart(nowadays the NATO opposes the exact same thing in Ukraine)
        – and on top of that covered Yugoslavia and Kosovo with a nice layer of Uran Ammuntion.
        (yeah – he made the use of recycled nuclear waste great again).

      • Russell Cook says:

        Rush Limbaugh used to say he lived rent-free in the minds of liberals. Trump is now living rent-free in Hillary’s mind.

        Pages and pages / hours and hours could be spent on comparing the administrations of Bill, Barack and George, they all had sizable faults and were lucky with other situations. Recall that Bill actually stated in his court session, “It depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.” That level of dishonesty within being caught in an act of obstruction of justice should have not only gotten him impeached, he should have been removed from office. But who knows, would leaving him in have been better than having Al Gore become president?

        Meanwhile, back in 2016, I wrote a piece – a bit on the facetious side in order to drive home a point about the mainstream media abdicating from their job – about how Bill could have killed the global warming movement by simply questioning one element of it, namely how the climate alarmist book he’d been given to read was NOT written by a Pulitzer winner. Under proper conditions, the book author being nailed to the wall for ‘journalism stolen valor’ should have led to a whole lot more questions way back then about the climate issue overall. Please see: “How President Clinton could have Changed the World” http://gelbspanfiles.com/?p=4265

      • John Francis says:


  2. Bob G says:

    I don’t have prime so to watch the Minnesota Vikings game last night I went to a bar and sat next to an old retired farmer. this guy hated Trump. He said Trump said something about Tim Walz having a period which he found defamatory. I suppose it is a little bit but nothing compared to calling Trump Hitler which seems to be the whole theme of Kommy Harris and her accolites. then the old farmer said he’s not voting for Harris either because he doesn’t want a woman for president. there you go … it’s looking more like Harris was a pretty bad selection by the commycrats.

  3. rah says:

    I still go back and watch videos from election night 2016 occasionally. The tears of soy are a cathartic.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    She looks a lot like the Dr. Evil Austin Powers character.

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