Harris Wins Pennsylvania

ABC News has reported final results in next week’s election.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Harris Wins Pennsylvania

  1. arn says:

    When your scripted election results get aired prematurely.

    I wonder if they will even bother to change these “results” until the election?
    And a nice service to Pennsylvanians .
    They already know how they will vote.

    And in terms of Kamala :
    Try to find her ” Joy Cometh ” speech.
    It is the worst speech in history .
    Asbsolutely inauthentic minstrel show including a new accent.

  2. Peter Carroll says:

    Why bother with the election then? The ABC has an infallible crystal ball. Just look at the photo, it’s in color so it must be true.

    • arn says:

      Just as with event 201
      or the short selling of Airlines the month before 9/11 (but only those Airlines affected by the attacks)
      or that the senile Pelosis outperform 99% of professional investors in the stock markets.

      Some people simply have top class crystal balls (kyle kulinski is not one of them)

  3. D. Boss says:

    Doubtful ABC actually did this. It’s either faked or the local ABC affiliate did it without permission from the head office. Formula 1 has really strict policies on behavior and violating them will get your TV contract canceled in a heartbeat.

    • William says:

      I agree. The 2020 results had Trump and the current resident with roughly 3.4 million votes apiece so unless there was less voter participation this year (doubtful) these final results are short by about 600K. Recall that in 2020 on election night at 10PM Trump had a 700K lead in PA and even the media bobbleheads were saying that there was no way resident could overtake him. And then.. 2020 was the final nail in the coffin of “Our Democracy.”

      • arn says:

        I’ve heard for years that,
        if democrats lose just 10% of the black votes in your country,
        that they can not win the election.

        2 weeks ago CNN showed that the ratio of black male voters
        went down since Obama from a +81 lead to +51 under Biden(and Kamala is even worse)
        what is roughly a loss of 15% of black votes.
        And if democrats lose so many votes amongst the group that hate republicans the most,
        the % loss amongst minorities must have been way higher.

        Despite the fact that democrats lost so many votes in 2020(and way more in 2024 if we take into account by how much the number of black conservative YouTube channels with 100k subscribers has increased,despite all the censorship,throtteling etc those channels have to suffer)
        the loss of votes never manifested in the election results.
        Quiet the opposite happened as the very unpopular Joe B even refused to campaign and Covid did its fair share of lowering the votes.
        Yet somehow Joe got 81 mio votes instead of 74mio.

        • William says:

          According to servers allegedly recovered in Germany (!) The Resident received 37 million and Trump 103 million. These numbers were reportedly- I can’t confirm or deny, I wasn’t there – broadcast on German TV. Just based on anecdotal evidence that seems about right. As you say he didn’t even campaign but rather skulked around his basement because “COVID”, The-Great-Pandemic-That-Never-Was. He would pop up from time to time to babble incoherently before “calling a lid”, whatever that means. Even here in deepest blue MA I saw only a smattering of biden signs. It’s hard to generate enthusiasm for a senile corruptocrat with an admitted fondness for 9 year old girls (we are assured that’s just his “Grandpa Joe” side). So The 81 Million is one of the most preposterous lies in all of human history. A majority of Americans appear to accept it unquestioningly. This does not bode well. I am preparing myself mentally for President Giggles

        • arn says:

          While I am 100% sure Trump won by a landmile,
          the 37 : 103 ratio seems far too off for me.
          (I live in Germany but it is the first time hearing that.But I do not watch TV so i Can’t say much about that).

          I do not think that they were anyhow able to turn a 3 :1 disadvantage into a 4+ mio win.
          This would mean 70 mio compromised votes(44 mio for Joe and 26mio taken from Trump).

          If this report would have substance it would have been picked up by independent channels be it Roagan,Greenwald and foreign MSM outside the western zone..

          IMO only the black democrat votes ,despite all losses would still be 20 mio+ + for them
          though the highest voter turnout ever(66%) in 2020 is the 2nd biggest lie we are being told.
          My guess is the turnout was below 60 % due to Covid and Bidens hiding
          and the additional votes were artificial to make Biden win.
          But if 20 mio blacks voted dems,
          the rest of the dem US voters must have been way higher than 17 mio.

  4. GeologyJim says:

    The Communists have decided that “rewriting the past” is not sufficient – now they have to PREwrite the future

    The NYT masthead will now state “All the NEWS ™ that fits The Cause”

    • stewartpid says:

      Oh dang …. another geologist on the board. There must be a rule ??

      • GeologyJim says:

        As a 45-year field geologist mapping in all kinds of geologic terranes, I learned to be conservative in my interpretations of geologic history. The “rock record “ is a sparse, fragmentary record of geologic processes and the fossil record is well known to be highly discontinuous . Humility is an essential virtue for credibility
        My research did not directly address paleoclimatology but I worked with specialists in Cenozoic climate history (last 65 million years). To claim that today’s temperature or rainfall or sea level or storminess is “unprecedented” is arrogant beyond measure – because it’s so very easily refuted by such abundant evidence.
        Good humble geologists are hard to fool – but lots of “Earth scientists “ seem to fall for the glamor

  5. Disillusioned says:

    Ah, it’s just “test results.” Nothing to see here folks. Carry on.

    Or, they’re testing to make sure that their pre-programmed script for the BIG FIX is working, as planned. Gotta make sure all those bugs are worked out in every battleground before THE BIG STEAL.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    I guess if Harris wins Penn by that amount, we’ll know it was rigged. The question is whether anyone will get mad enough to do something about it.

  7. Disillusioned says:

    No, Harris lost Pennsylvania. The complicit media get everything wrong. Whatever they say, I’ll bet the opposite.

    I am grateful the numbers were so large that they were able to override any/all attempts to steal our election again. I don’t know that I can ever forgive the Democrat mob for the 2020 fraudulent Biden win, for them labeling us patriot voters as fascists, racists, for all of the lawfare, for the impeachments, for the Russia hoax, for the Mar-a-Lago invasion, for the January 6 charade about a fictitious insurrection, for them opening our border to criminal illegal aliens, for the repeated attempts to assassinate him, for all the vicious lies against President Trump to the man who has only wanted to Make America Great Again.

    President Trump beat the real fascist oppressors with one hand tied behind his back – because enough of the American people finally saw through the media lies and the insane woke agenda that has been foisted on the American people over the last few years. I know that tomorrow morning the lies will begin anew. I know the Democrat cabal and their legacy media presstitutes will not let up. As President Trump said after he got up off the ground in Butler Pennsylvania, we must continue to “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” for this country. God Bless America!

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