“Only 3.4% of Journalists Are Republican”

“A survey has found that only 3.4% of American journalists identify as Republican, compared to 36.4% who identify as Democrat and 51.7% as Independent. The survey also indicated a steep decline in the number of Republican journalists over the last several decades, which has coincided with record high levels of Americans saying they do not trust the media.”

Only 3.4% of Journalists Are Republican: Study

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Only 3.4% of Journalists Are Republican”

  1. arn says:

    “Funny” that even those 51% of “independents” report as if they are democrats.
    (so independent is just pretending to be neutral and unbiased while going the woke way.Otherwise the reporting would be way different than it is now)

    And out of those 3.4 % Republicans many are like Robert Kagan.
    The “hardcore conservative ” PNAC husband of Jabba the Hut Victoria Nuland
    from the Kagan war family,
    who quit his Editorial job at the Washington Pest 2 days ago
    because the WaPo did not endorse Kamala.

    Why are the war machine Republicans all so obsessed with a girl
    they always laugh about after she leaves the room. ?

    • arn says:

      And here some todays funny comment about journalism
      from the English guy who massivly colluding with the US election
      Keir Starmer

      “Journalism is the lifeblood of British democracy.
      My government will protect it (with massive censorship) “

  2. Russell Cook says:

    From indications not only surrounding their climate issue reporting, but also their reporting on other hot topics (e.g. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/trump-faces-major-backlash-for-new-york-rally-rife-with-racist-and-sexist-rhetoric ), it is a sure bet that there are exactly zero Republicans at the partly public-funded U.S. news outlet called the “PBS NewsHour.” I keep track of their sheer bias on the climate issue here http://gelbspanfiles.com/?page_id=3834 , but since they have not had an IPCC- / NASA- / NOAA-associated guest on since late May, I haven’t updated my count of the individual instances of bias (direct discussions about CAGW or significant mentions of it). It is now up to 1,656 times in which NO semblance of science details from the skeptic side are presented to its viewers. Considering how close we are to the presidential election, though, it wouldn’t surprise me that in the next week, they bring in The Mann or maybe coax Michael Oppenheimer out of his long absence there to proclaim how not only ‘democracy’ is in peril in America, but the whole planet is in peril if Trump gets re-elected.

  3. Mike Peinsipp says:

    Every Reporter for Jeff Jone Publishing, South Central KY, are Conservatives.
    I know I am one!

  4. Richard E Fritz says:

    hard pill to swallow but these are my observations
    Media & Politics began going DOWN with rise of Women in power
    when Barbra Walters broke into media – it was OK
    then CNN came along- not bad- in 2005 +- they had hottest women anchors & told us the news – FACTS
    then lefties began filling the ranks – men hating women, angry gay men, when Pelosi took over as speaker she said THIS WILL BE THE MOST HONEST Congress in history- the COMPLETE OPPOSITE happened- shes the lying-its women next to HRC

    NO Matter how one spins it Politics, Hoe Wood and Media began going down with rise of Women and angry gay men – the WOKE & BLM came along

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    hard pill to swallow but these are my observations
    Media & Politics began going DOWN with rise of Women in power
    when Barbra Walters broke into media – it was OK
    then CNN came along- not bad- in 2005 +- they had hottest women anchors & told us the news – FACTS
    then lefties began filling the ranks – men hating women, angry gay men, when Pelosi took over as speaker she said THIS WILL BE THE MOST HONEST Congress in history- the COMPLETE OPPOSITE happened- shes the lying-ist women next to HRC

    NO Matter how one spins it Politics, Hoe Wood and Media began going down with rise of Women and angry gay men – the WOKE & BLM came along

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