In 1857 teenage prophet Nongqawuse convinced the Xhosa population of South Africa to kill their cattle in order to guarantee the culling of the diseased ones. Her rantings led to mass starvation and the subjugation of the Xhosa people.
We are much more sophisticated now, and base our food and energy policies on the rantings of teenage girl from Sweden..
Isn’t destroying a country in order to save it (from warming,tyranny etc)
the MO of the Anglo Saxon empire?
And didn’t Biden kill 150 mio chicken(without knowing and remarkable PETA silence)
to save them?
Btw – it seems that the Xhosa also destroyed their Corn as part of the prophecy to make sure that things work out as they should.
And now western nations are culturally appropriating this method and calling it Building Back Better.
Haha. I have made this exact comparison for 10 years but people’s eyes glaze over. Almost all humans have an innate ability to assume “that only happened to other people far away and in the past, it cant happen to us”. And history repeats.
Further, she’s autistic. I’m not poking fun at autistic people, mind you, but I really do not think they should be considered reliable and stable leaders, even if the movement is just one big religious cult.