“This is happening in Glacier National Park. I climbed to the top of this in 1998 with one of my daughters. Within 15 years this will be the park formerly known as Glacier. ”
Al Gore 2006
An Inconvient Truth Transcript
There is more ice now than when he visited the Grinnell Glacier in 1998.
“Sat., Dec. 29, 1923
GLACIER PARK MELTING at a Rapid Rate in SCIENTIST’S OPINIONCINCINNATI, Dec. 29.—(By the Associated Press)—The hot dry seasons of the past few years have caused rapid disintegration of glaciers in Glacier National park, Montana, professor W. C. Waterman, northwestern university declared in an address today before the geological section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Sperry Glacier, studied by Professor Waterman, has lost one-quarter, or perhaps one-third of its ice in the past 18 years, he said. If this rapid retreat should continue, the professor added, the glacier would almost disappear in another 25 years, but he expressed the opinion that the long dry seasons of the past few years is over with the probability of a lessening in the retreat.”
Dec 29, 1923, page 5 – Medford Mail Tribune at Newspapers.com
the Glacier Park literature states that the glaciers in the park are only 3,000 to 4,000 years old. they didn’t carve those big valleys. in 1980 my cousin and I hiked to Grinnell Glacier. trail starts near the mini Glacier hotel. very scenic hike. it was a long hike to see very little ice. Glacier Park glaciers are better named ice caps. just about every Alaskan Glacier has a thousand times more ice then the largest glacier in Glacier Park Montana.
My ex-wife and I watched Inconvenient Truth. She is Woke to her core and she was riveted and all hand-wringing – “Whatever shall we do?” I was impressed too, the movie was slick well-produced propaganda. Of course the hand-wringing had zero effect on The Climate and the bloated gasbag Fat Albert continues his inexorable slide to oblivion and irrelevance.
Algore, the Joel Osteen of the Church of Warming. Pass the plate he needs a new jet.