The press is claiming “record low sea ice”
OSI shows Arctic sea ice extent increasing significantly from February 14 to March 4. while NSIDC shows it decreasing.
OSI Arctic sea extent shows this year as the fourth largest increase for March 1-5
The DMI’s Ice extenet was getting too close to normal back in January to they dropped the area 500,ooo Km^2 in 2 days so they could get it back to the propaganda ranges.
Less sea ice is the new normal, in my opinion, but not because the planet has warmed. it’s because China and India are building Coal fired power plants practically Non-Stop and those plants are spewing a lot of black soot, which lands on the Arctic ice (that’s covered with white snow) the Sun hits it and bingo, you’ve got more ice melt than you had 50 years ago.,landscape%20absorbs%20even%20more%20heat.