Request For Help Finding Station Metadata

I am doing a TOBS experiment, but can no longer find the USHCN station metadata file on the NCDC web site. Does anyone know where it is?

Update : I found some archived versions here :


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Request For Help Finding Station Metadata

  1. talldave2 says:

    Sorry, that was on Lois Lerner’s hard drive.

  2. QV says:

    NCDC have being doing a good job of hiding files recently.
    I’m not familiar with these files but a search for “USHCN station metadata” produced this link:
    I don’t know if any of the links on that page are any good.

  3. Leon says:

    Probably in the same place as the IRS and EPA emails.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Embarrassing data has a way of ‘disappearing’ The USDA disappeared data quite frequently when farmers opposed the National Animal ID program instigated by the UN and WTO.

    The CAGW scam is just a repeat of the Food Safety scam. In both cases the losers are the serfs.

  5. cg says:

    Reblogged this on Catholic Glasses and commented:
    No. But, contact WeatherWar101 on YouTube. He may have a lead. Or Dutchsinse on wordpress.

  6. QV says:

    Not watching the USA v Germany game?
    It’s looking potentially tight for USA.

  7. Eliza says:

    Wikipedia definition surely it wrong (or maybe not relevant to current discussion).

    “Absolute temperature is the temperature of an object on a scale where 0 is taken as absolute zero. Absolute temperature scales are Kelvin and Rankine. Absolute zero is the lowest temperature at which the system is in a state of lowest possible (minimum) energy.No electronic device can operate at this temperature”
    .Mosher is saying that you can never average absolute temperatures (which I understand as to be in fact RAW DATA untouched by the human hand). In my book it is the ONLY data that should be used ie averaged IF it has to be done BTW. As a Statistician and biologist we recommend using only untouched raw data whenever possible. Because of the enourmous amounts of data in meteorology one understands why you would average but only RAW data from reliable unaffected rural stations should be used. It would appear that CET and Armagh are the only ones in my bookunless someone can find others. They all show no change if latest dates/years are included since 1640?

  8. Brian D says:

    This is it right here, Steve. Just plug in the station ID.

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