Nuuk is located on the southwest coast of Greenland, near the area where peak melting occurs on the ice sheet. They are having one of their coldest years on record, and coldest since 1993, which was cooled by Mt. Pinatubo. Temperatures have been plummeting there since 2003.
Meanwhile, the center of the ice sheet has seen no melt this season, and won’t see any melt the remainder of the season. It is very cold there and scientists are disappearing under the ice.
Eighty five percent of the ice sheet has gained mass this year.
Temperatures on the ice sheet are forecast to be quite cold the next couple of weeks.
Greenland is not melting down, yet the Guardian lies about this to their readers almost every day. It is time for the climate criminals to face justice for their endless attempts to deceive the public. Democracy depends on an honest press corps, and we do not have that.
Thanks, Steven, for keeping us in contact with reality. I think the first chapter in my new series will have to be “Assurance for Science Teachers” that Big Brother has now met a Bigger Force: REALITY
Helpful comments will be appreciated: appreciated:
Spammety spam.
Coldest until adjustment!!
That is the same area where Vikings once grew barley.
After we normalize the data… feel free to plant your barley there .. LOL!!
According to the warmists, there never was a Medieval warm period nor a Maunder Minimum.
Of course, they are obviously insane and vandals bent on destroying all the information painfully built up over the last 2,000 years.
Yep, they raped and pillaged all the MWP Greenland temperature data.
Oh no, no… it was just Localised Weather… LOL!!
Meanwhile on the other side of the World in Australia global warming continues relentlessly :
……apparently it last snowed in Orange NSW in 1836 !!
Yeah its cold but its the heat what done it … the climate moron cfgh tells us so all the time 😉
Steven, Greenland is not going to melt in situ, what they talk about is the ice flowing to sea and melting there. The surface mass balance is not the whole picture. You know that?
That would be a trick!
The weight of the ice sheet pushes down the island’s middle into a bowl-shaped basin.
,,,,,,,but that means Greenland is top heavy and at risk tipping over and of capsizing ……..just like Guam 🙂
Yeah Tony … like Hugh sez the ice flows to the sea and melts there just as it has for the last 2.58 million years since the start of the Pleistocene.
Nothing to see here …. move along folks.
And before that it used to be a lot warmer. The normal for the last 2.5 million years was a glacier near or on top of New York.,c_fill,g_faces:center,q_60/v1401498046/dh8frybaghzoeikmgqty.jpg
Glacial flow is a response to excess ice build up in the interior. I assume that readers have a brain.
i may be missing something in your comment, but how does the ice from the greenland ice sheet flow to the sea without reducing the mass balance ?
if the mass balance is being maintained by snow fall ,then there is no problem ?
the above comment is in reply to hugh.
Chilly I’m not sure I understand your question but you seem to be missing the part about more snow added to the interior every year as Tony has shown several times on other posts. See here and the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget plot from DMI. Indeed the ice flows to the sea but it also gains snow on the ice sheet each year … the losses vs the gains gives the balance part of the issue.
Our taxpayer funded scientists have outdone themselves with rewriting the past and it’ll be interesting to see where 2015 comes in on their “Extreme” index!
The scientific liars want their paychecks, but the current administration and like minded world-wide are quite upset that their meddling and class agitation hasn’t produced the fundamental changes yet (Civil wars, chaos and the breakdown of present western societies), and they cannot figure out why.
ERSST V.4 is of course their latest attempt and expanded reconstruction does say it all…
Every year is hottest year evah. Forevah and forevah. 🙂
U too have noticed that …. we will all be done like dinner at this rate 😉
Yep. Just like Iran “will have the Bomb in six months” has been playing since 1984……..
Not quite.
1984: West German intelligence sources claim that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.
And thankfully, our due dilligence prevented that prediction from coming to pass.
Unlike nuclear proliferation, man does not have the ability to stop climate change. Climates change when nature says so.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men…
U.N. Sponsored Global Poll Rates Climate Change Dead Last
It is truly incredible that with “all the scientific bodies”, and all the media, and “97% of climate experts”, and all of academia, and after decades of this incessant alarmist drum beating and falling skies, that nobody really cares.
It is at once the greatest scam in the history of the Earth, and the greatest failure.
It all comes down to a particular homo sapien sub-species (1 of 120ish), that has the most fear of their fellow man who also lack self initiative. They and those who think their true leaders due to their bubbled environment can indeed control the world 😉
Here it is 2015 and Man-Made Global Warming, never much to begin with, has totally sputtered out like a dud firecracker. The only people still flogging this dead horse are professional charlatans, hack politicians, and swivel-eyed lunatics.
I’m all in favor of the climate criminals facing justice for their endless attempts to deceive the public. But I really can’t see it happening in my crystal ball. At most I see nature continuing to show up their deception by refusing to match their predictions, so that the public becomes increasingly aware that the amount of CO2 we put into the air is harmless and CAGW is never going to happen and the War on Carbon is brought to an end. But I don’t expect to see any of the perps standing in the dock on conspiracy to defraud charges. Still, we live in hope.