Forty-five years ago this weekend I testified at my first Congressional hearing, in support of a wilderness area in Utah. It was extremely hot that day, and my testimony didn’t make me very popular with the locals.
28 May 1972, Page 12 – at
I’ve been fighting for the environment ever since, including fighting for the Clean Air Act and volunteering two summers as a wilderness ranger for the US Forest Service.
My current fights are stopping the progressive City of Boulder, Colorado from destroying critical wetlands, and stopping mentally ill progressives everywhere from destroying raptor populations, scenery and habitat.
Global warming junk science is a scam, which is a grave threat to all humans and animals – particularly the useful idiots on the left who are promoting it.
I’m off on my bicycle to get some photographs of Coopers Hawk chicks along Coal Creek. Fortunately they have coal there, rather than bird chopping wind turbines.