In This House We Believe In Science

“Nearly half of Dems say fines, prison time appropriate for questioning vaccines, poll says”

Nearly half of Dems say fines, prison time appropriate for questioning vaccines, poll says

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to In This House We Believe In Science

  1. To claim to ‘believe in’ science implies you do not know what science is. It is a method of enquiry, not religious dogma. The alarmist ‘arguments’ follow the lawyer’s Aristotelian rhetoric, which predates the scientific method by about two thousand years, but is handy for convicting witches in the complete absence of credible evidence. All you have to do is persuade a group of people who were too stupid to think of an excuse to get out of jury duty, which is much easier than meeting the rigorous standards required by science. Persecution of the ‘unvaxxed’ is motivated by the same fear and superstition that persecuted ‘witches’. Any attempt to uncover the actual facts leads to immediate accusation of witchcraft.

    • arn says:

      “Either you are with us or you are (with) the terrorists/against us”

      GW Bush (it always works when you are the good and the others the devil)

      His “coalition of the willing” is also currently being recycled
      by Keir Starmer(probably as revenge for Biden stealing Kinnocks speech – from that moment on the Bidens became coal miners)

      • With Starmer deriding the only people who would fight for the country as ‘right wing exremists’ (and ditto for the other European powers, except perhaps Hungary), a ‘coalition of the willing’ will not be able to field much of an army. Who would fight for regimes that don’t even try to hide their contempt for their people?

        • arn says:

          Well, the English will sent their child rapers.
          The Germans their fagots.
          The french will sent white flags.
          Easy win for Europeans.

          Especially when we consider how weak,disorganized,unmotivated the Russian shovel fighters are,
          a bunch of toddlers with waterpistols should be enough to defeat them.
          That’s why I do not understand why they suddenly all the trillions to defeat decimated Russian pussies.
          I’m pretty sure they haven’t been lying to us all the years,
          and that the Russian could take any territory at any time, as it happened with Kursk the very second the western side wanted to use it as leverage,is just a myth.

          Or maybe Dick Durbin already revealed the real plans ;

          to let illegals fight the wars and give them citizenship in return(the bill is called “Courage to serve” act iirc).
          Europeans will do the same.
          How convenient that the invaders are 80% military age.

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