Romm Says Inhofe Will Personally Cause A Permanent Dustbowl

“climate science projects a permanent dust bowl for the Southwest if we keep listening to Inhofe. It also projects that by century’s end, the state will be above 90°F for 135 days a year!”

Good call Joe! Summer temperatures in Oklahoma are cooler now than 80 years ago.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Romm Says Inhofe Will Personally Cause A Permanent Dustbowl

  1. GregW says:

    Hopefully there isn’t another serious drought on the horizon. Imagine the global warming hysteria if we were to have a decade similar to the 1930s again.

  2. dp says:

    Romm has the smallest mind in the climate wars. Why does he get so much press? Surely the novelty of watching an idiot be an idiot has to have worn off for most people.

  3. Andy WeissDC says:

    It’s all Inhoff’s fault that temperatures are not rising as we had forecast. I hope he can sleep at night with that on his conscious.

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