Once You Go Brown – You Never Go Back

A new study has shown that global warming, caused by massive carbon emissions, could force polar bears into the natural home of the brown bear. It is believed that this genetic mixing also took place during the last Ice Age with mating between the Irish brown bear and the polar bear.

Scientists have discovered that 22,000 years ago, during an Ice Age, the subzero temperatures made southern Ireland inhabitable to Irish brown years. Eventually they became extinct but not before they shared their DNA with the polar bear.


It is very simple. Humans cause climate change (like the ice age 22,000 years ago) and excess heat causes the same behaviour as subzero temperatures in Ireland.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Once You Go Brown – You Never Go Back

  1. omnologos says:

    Is spelling the next victim of Climate Change?

  2. gator69 says:

    From a PBS article, “Arctic Bears: How Grizzlies Evolved into Polar Bears”…

    “Approximately 125,000 years ago a population of brown bears in the far north of their range was likely split off from their brown bear ancestors, perhaps because of competition for food. The population likely became isolated by massive glaciers and, while most died in the harsh environment, those bears with an evolutionary advantage — ideal coat color and thickness for extreme cold — survived and bred. Over thousands of years, this population of bears underwent further evolutionary change, adapting even more specialized traits for surviving the harsh polar environment. When life in the North demanded teeth better shaped for ripping apart seals than munching berries, the polar bear’s molar teeth changed significantly from those of the brown bear. The bears also grew white fur, which camouflaged them in their snow-covered surroundings and gave them a hunting advantage…. Nature once exerted such extreme pressure on the brown bear that it eventually gave rise to a new, better-adapted subspecies, the polar bear. Now, once again, evolutionary forces are acting on this long-enduring species. As the Arctic warms, the polar bear’s unique specializations that once lent it an evolutionary edge, may now be the creature’s downfall. A changing climate may name a new king of the Arctic — the fierce and opportunistic brown bear.”

    How do they miss what is right in their face, and exiting their own mouths?

    • suyts says:

      Exactly. What these morons don’t understand, is that polar bears are essentially brown bears, (or grizzlies). Genetically they’re almost identical. That they naturally mate would be a clue…….

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