We Can’t Account For The Missing Water And It Is A Travesty That We Can’t


2010 was the hottest year ever and saw record melt from Greenland and Antarctica. Continental glaciers melted at a record rate and the oceans continued to gain heat. Polar Bears were drowning and decomposing in the oceans. Jeff Masters says that SSTs were the hottest ever. And yet, sea level plummeted. We now have missing water as well as missing heat.

Or more likely – just missing integrity from the hockey team.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to We Can’t Account For The Missing Water And It Is A Travesty That We Can’t

  1. Kaboom says:

    I suspect some of it can be found in the flopsweat of those alarmists going into hysteria overdrive at Mother Nature’s refusal to go along with their tall tales.

  2. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    Could it be the Satellites are not what they are being promoted as. It is possible the satellites are a waste of money for sea level, ice extent, temperatures. We already know the surface temperature records are corrupted beyond value. Maybe the satellite technology is to young of a field to be of any value also.

    • Latitude says:

      You think? You’ve been reading James’ blog again………..LOL
      When Envisat shows a unexpected drop in sea level, they adjust it up to match what the computer climate models say it should be, and right after that it starts dropping again…..
      What good are satellite measurements when they tune them to what the computer climate models say they should be?……………..

  3. glacierman says:

    As soon as that missing heat passes a tipping point and roars back to life, it will cause a rapid thermal expansion of the water, then you will see that it is really….worse than we thought.

    Man, this climate science thing is pretty easy.

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      We can probably expect a tsunami that will make the Biblical Flood seem like a small stream if the missing water and heat is ever found. That could possibly solve the imaginary emissions problem. What better way to tackle an imaginary problem than with an imaginary solution?

  4. RVDL says:

    Glacier Science 101 (It’s Rainmaking Time!™)
    by Dr. Tim Ball on March 12, 2011


    really good stuff

  5. glacierman says:

    To paraphrase a notable climate bedwetter – “we have lost scientific integrity in this post-normal science world, and it’s a travisty that we cannot find it”.

  6. Robert Austin says:

    This calls for an additional GIA adjustment.

  7. omnologos says:

    Can’t you see? It’s ACCELERATING! Run for your lives!!!

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