The New York Times Warned Us About Lake Powell!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The New York Times Warned Us About Lake Powell!

  1. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    During a dry period I would think that 51% capacity shows the dams are doing what they were designed to do.
    I do believe their prognosticators were a bit off in their forecast.

  2. nigelf says:

    Just for comparison, what is their current % of capacity?

  3. GregO says:

    Here is a link for Lake Powell water data.

    It is interesting to me at least, how the levels at Lake Powell can change in a single year as much as they have this year – and it looks like there is still snow-melt that will continue to feed the Lake for awhile. At the link above snow pack is 562% of avg for July 13.

    I asked the question on another thread, “how is Lake Powell a proxy for AGW?” and I guess my question was ill-posed. What I am asking is, are low-levels of Lake Powell a proxy for AGW and if they are, what exactly is the claimed mechanism for low water levels in Lake Powell as a function of AGW and if I understand correctly, it is claimed that AGW is caused by Mankind adding CO2 to the atmosphere.

    So if there is a link between man-made CO2 and Lake Powell’s water level, I can check out the CO2 levels vs Lake Powell water levels over the next few years (or even 5 or 10 if I make it that long!) and see for myself if the prediction that man-made CO2 is making Lake Powell go dry.

    Oh and thanks everybody…I am not a geologist, meteorologist, or climatologist but am really interested in this subject and have learned a lot about it and this website has helped my understanding.

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