Romm Predicts Ice Free Summers Within A Decade

many, including me, believe we’ll see virtually ice-free summers within a decade.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Romm Predicts Ice Free Summers Within A Decade

  1. Belief isn’t a prediction.
    Models aren’t predictions.
    Outright predictions aren’t predictions.

    Oh, and a lack of clear, scientific predictions in supposedly peer reviewed papers isn’t in any wise evidence of chicanery.

    It’s the New Normal of Climate Science.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The politically saturated mind of Baghdad Romm.

    • Ill wind blowing says:

      “The politically saturated mind of Baghdad Romm.”

      So now we’re Iraqi’s.

      There’s another one to add to my list of inane accusations. Yawn!

      • & after all that, conclusively demonstrating she doesn’t “get” common cultural reference points that are less than a decade from coinage, it’s Trolly McTrollerson! Now that you’ve said “hi” to all the kids, here’s a nickel. Go buy yourself a computer with four more bits.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Ill wind blowing

        Have you seen Mecago, Villabolo or Tony Duncan lately?

  3. Gator says:

    OK, but what did Harold Camping say about arctic ice. I need a more credible source than Romm.

  4. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    As Joey “Chicken Little” Romm seems to live in his “Virtual” SIM world them his Virtual Arctic region can become “Virtually” ice free any time he wants it to be. I guess his team has decided when they want their Arctic region to be “Virtually” ice free for virtual shipping reasons. Maybe it will take that long for them to construct their virtual freighters and get their virtual crew members old enough to sail their virtual seas.

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