Another Pet Peeve

People with bicycle racks on their car.

They have their green bumper stickers and their Obama bumper sticker on their Subaru, and they drive 40 miles up into the mountains to tear up the trails and feel good about being green. On the drive back they often complain about stupid, evil Republicans.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Another Pet Peeve

  1. P.J. says:

    You just reminded me of a rant by Mark Steyn. He talked about when it was fashionable to have the “Free Tibet” bunper stickers, but nobody was willing to do anything to actually free Tibet.

    • Blade says:

      Yes, formerly the know-nothings, these days the do-nothings.

      They wear ribbons for third world famine, AIDS, homo solidarity, fashionable current events like Rwanda, Tibet, Sudan. They will do nothing for any cause except provide lip service. Liars that are lying to themselves.

      Ribbons they did not wear include Taiwan, Polish solidarity, Czech, Nicaragua, Cuba, (the entire Soviet empire really).

      Closely related are the do-something-but-with-other-peoples-money. Bono is a prime example jet-setting around the world getting governments and corporations to kick money in to a cause and arrive in time for the photo-op. His attempt to get governments like ours (USA) to ‘forgive’ debts from third world nations is stealth redistribution of wealth.

      Phonies are everywhere, because in the age of stupid, they are glorified instead of humiliated.

  2. Dave G says:

    I might take these guys serious if I see bikes heading to the trails with the bumper stickers on the “fenders”

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