Romm Has Trouble Distinguishing Summer From Global Warming

About 20% of the US is experiencing a severe or worse drought now. In July, 1934 80% of the US was experiencing severe or worse drought.

What kind of genius would attribute that reduction to global warming? It is time for team AGW to commit themselves for mental rehabilitation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Romm Has Trouble Distinguishing Summer From Global Warming

  1. Lance says:

    out in BC on vacation, and it is freezing here!! last year, 30C every day….going to hit 16 C tomorrow…folks from this area can’t recall a colder summer in a long time…so,…all depends on where you are for hotcoldwarmdry!!!!

  2. Me says:

    Makes you wonder if that’s Romm is wearing the foxnews hat to protect his chrome dome head.

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