From Scientific American : Judith Curry acknowledges that the IPCC is corrupt and that skeptic blogs are technically savvy.
once Curry ventured out onto the skeptic blogs, the questions she saw coming from the most technically savvy of the outsiders—including statisticians, mechanical engineers and computer modelers from industry—helped to solidify her own uneasiness. “Not to say that the IPCC science was wrong, but I no longer felt obligated in substituting the IPCC for my own personal judgment,” she said in a recent interview posted on the Collide-a-Scape climate blog.
She reserves her harshest criticism for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For most climate scientists the major reports issued by the United Nations–sponsored body every five years or so constitute the consensus on climate science. Few scientists would claim the IPCC is perfect, but Curry thinks it needs thoroughgoing reform. She accuses it of “corruption.” “I’m not going to just spout off and endorse the IPCC,” she says, “because I think I don’t have confidence in the process.”
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.
h/t to Marc Morano
Wow, broke here before WUWT!
In addition to the Berlin Wall, the 14,000 ft reading on the AMSU-A global temps has tumbled as well. It is closing in on 2007 and the average, relative to its high point over the summer months. SSTs for 2010 are below 2007 and coldest overall for years since 2003. ;o)
Hottest year ever!
SSTs for 2010 are below 2007 and coldest overall for years since 2003
If that’s the case then GISTemp will have rapid cooling for the rest of the year since they use ocean temps.
Besides that, one place you can always see rapid cooling is in the GISS set.
Current October temperature anomaly running at + 0.275C.
If that holds up it will be the coolest month, relative to anomaly, since February 2008, and the coldest October since 2000.
That’s before Mr. Hansen “adjusts” the data, though (:-
Right, now we can roll back all the nonsense that kills people
Top Scientist killed driving G-Wiz electric car, developed to stop Climate Change.
The Good ship AGW doesn’t need her hull intact to remain afloat. She is buoyed by blind faith. One might think that sheer humiliation would fuel a rush for the lifeboats, but no. She will sail on until no plank or crew remain: Only the wheel, with Al Gore gently rocking it to and fro… looking wistfully to the distant sea.
Dr. Curry has already been criticized for her position. Now she’s committed open heresy. She’s going to take a lot of flak from this, if not pilloried.
Judith Curry has already been beaten like a piñata by the alarmists for months. They never think in terms of bringing a lukewarmer on board. Wavering or hesitancy is always met with a lynching.
Gavin tag on Dr. Curry at RC:
• climate tripe • generic stupidity
How mature and sincere!
The Berlin Wall Has Tumbled
Just in case you were too lazy to read the whole article;
Climate skeptics have seized on Curry’s statements to cast doubt on the basic science of climate change. So it is important to emphasize that nothing she encountered led her to question the science; she still has no doubt that the planet is warming, that human-generated greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, are in large part to blame, or that the plausible worst-case scenario could be catastrophic. She does not believe that the Climategate e-mails are evidence of fraud or that the IPCC is some kind of grand international conspiracy. ”
If by wall you mean MMCC, I think that wall is still intact.
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.
Another rich vein of denier irony has been found.
Which part of Lazarus’s post was wrong, exactly?
In case your mind is too lazy, plausible is used when something is unlikely but still possible….they say.
I love the quantum physics one where they say if you push on a wall enough times it’s plausible you’ll go through the wall and end up in a different part of the universe.
plausible [?pl??z?b?l]
1. apparently reasonable, valid, truthful, etc. a plausible excuse
2. apparently trustworthy or believable a plausible speaker
[from Latin plausibilis worthy of applause, from plaudere to applaud]
plausibility , plausibleness n
plausibly adv
plau·si·ble [ pláwz?b’l ]
1. believable: believable and appearing likely to be true, usually in the absence of proof
2. persuasive: having a persuasive manner in speech or writing, often combined with an intention to deceive
“she still has no doubt that the planet is warming, that human-generated greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, are in large part to blame, or that the plausible worst-case scenario could be catastrophic. ”
So taken in context which definition of plausible do you think she intended?
1. believable: believable and appearing likely to be true, usually in the absence of proof
I think this is a good fit. After all if the worst-case scenario were proven there wouldn’t be any sceptics and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Therefore it is clear to me that she believes that the worst-case scenario is believable and not beyond the realms of possibility.
plausible is used when something is unlikely but still possible
What rubbish. There is no connotation of “unlikely”.
And, as I’m sure you know, virtually nothing in science is ever proved, so your highlighting of “in the absence of proof” is pretty sketchy. What’s it supposed to mean?
But you completely avoided my question. I asked you what was incorrect in Lazarus’s post that justified your “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt” comment. Could you answer that, please?
……I no longer felt obligated in substituting the IPCC for my own personal judgment…..
Why did she ever do it in the first place? Didn’t verify, opps!
I gave up my subscription to Scientific American a long time ago (I think it’s been 20 years, give or take a few, but I’m not sure when it was) when it was obvious they were on the GLOBAL WARMING IS GOING TO KILL US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bandwagon.
From the sound of this, maybe it will be safe to pick it up again in another decade or two.
The “truth” doesn’t depend on what Curry thinks. It doesn’t depend on the fact that there were no hurricanes of note in several years. In fact, it doesn’t depend on whether or not it continues warming for the next few years. It’s the science, stupid !
Below is a brief Climate Change tutorial. (google document, so don’t blame me for the strange title)
She about to be burnt at the stake by the warmists, I predict she will see and have more support from the skeptic camp over the next few months. At least as a warmist she thinks for herself…
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