The fact that Antarctic sea ice extends further from the pole than at any other time since the start of satellite records, doesn’t mean that glacial ice isn’t melting at -119F in the interior.
As John Cook might explain, ice cubes now melt from the inside out – due to CO2 altering the fundamental laws of physics.
Wow. What are these guys talking about? Bizarre. Kind of like a reverse Ice nine.
Steve, clearly the CO2 radiative heat intensity has become so much like a microwave that the ice has no choice but to melt from the inside out. It is only the mental genius of the Cook’s and Romm’s of this would could we ever come to know such truisms.
Ice area is not a record at the moment
Andy, I agree.
Ice area is not a record at the moment
I don’t know if petty properly describes what Andy just said.
I think petty sums it up nicely.
Possibly the second stupidest comment I have seen yet.
Possibly the stupidest comment I have seen yet.
There is a strange failure of basic logic here with this group. Take David Appell’s “excitement” that Arctic sea ice was melting 4X times faster in recent times (according to his calculations) while it did not occur to him that global temperatures have not increased in recent times…
OK, I’m not a physicist but if one place on the planet has a hot spot, and there has been no recent measurable change to the ‘energy budget’ in the biosphere, that basically means it must be colder elsewhere to compensate… And that ‘rebalancing’ doesn’t automatically manifest itself in more sea ice somewhere else… It could simply mean that Antarctica drops from -40C somewhere to -45C.
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The fact that ice is a good insulator allows geothermal heat to build up under the ice. And when CO2 heats the atmosphere above, this heat can jump right through this insulator and increase the speed of melting. Any problem?
At -119, it is hard to conceive of the ice melting from either the top or the bottom, unless there is some kind of volcanic eruption under the ice.
Does one expect anything else, he is a cartoonist after all.
Dont let the facts get in the way of a good story.