Green Electricity Is For Morons

Fossil fuel powered energy is cheaper, more efficient, reliable and much better for the environment. James Hansen and his band of fellow imbeciles should be held accountable for the mass stupidity they have wrought.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Green Electricity Is For Morons

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Yup. Someone should write a book titled “Energy For Total Retards” on wind and solar. As for wind, Master Resource did a detailed analysis of the total costs of wind, concluding that wind costs upwards of 38 cents a kilowatt hour (~ 12 cents normally) and that “wind plant implementations cannot be sustained because they divert a large portion of national wealth into unproductive debt-laden investments.” My reply:

    Exactly. Look at Europe, on the verge bankruptcy after spending bundles of money on heavily-subsidized green energy. So, when the Democrats passed their cap & trade bill in the House in 2009 that mandated insane 83% CO2 cuts by 2050, if the bill had made it to Obama, we wouldn’t have seen wind and other fanciful green energies making up more than an iota of this lost energy. Our country, already in a fiscal mess, could not maintain such prodigal spending.
    Moreover, as far as the full cost to society of wind power, consider also the documented health problems and loss in property values in the vicinity of windmills. And the thousands of pretty little birds, and Bald Eagles, killed by these monsters. Wind power is truly a monstrous proposition.

    • Otter says:

      Errrr… ‘prodigeous,’ not ‘prodigal’….

      • dan3487kurt says:

        @Otter says: “Errrr… ‘prodigeous,’ not ‘prodigal’….”
        October 13, 2012 at 10:22 am

        Prodigal is correct if used as an adjective.
        prodigal, Adjective:
        Spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.
        A person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way.
        adjective. lavish – profuse – extravagant – wasteful – spendthrift
        noun. spendthrift – waster – wastrel – spender – squanderer

        Dan Kurt

      • Eric Simpson says:

        Exactly, Otter, and 3487, lol. I know words pretty good, and prodigeous in this context would be correct also. “This prodigeous spending on retarded green energy is going to bankrupt the country.”    🙂

  2. My bigger concern is not holding people accountable for the mass stupidity they have wrought (there are not enough hours in all the sane people’s lifetimes combined for that) but rather who cleans up the horrible environmental mess wind and solar cause? Who takes down the towers? You can’t put back the old growth trees cut for this–yet there is no protest over tree removal for turbines. And where do all the monstrous piles of parts end up? Turbine propellers are not easy to recycle–they are a composite material (i.e. chemicals turned solid, but chemicals are good if used for turbines). The steel can be recycled. I’m not sure what happens to however much of the hydraulic fluid is left after it leaks out on the ground for months or years. Then there’s solar panels, a separate mess. Who fixes this mess?

  3. Andy DC says:

    But even if wind power is wasteful and destructive, just think how good and guilt free if makes green nutjobs feel when they see those monstrosities in action.

  4. I am sitting in my house in the “state with the best wind resources”. The wind is 5mph and I will end up running my A/C today because it’s sunny and without wind. This has been going on for 4 months. During the extremely hot summer, the wind hardly blew (and when it did, it was 50 mph for a short period as weather fronts went through). If the turbines made 1% of capacity factor, it would be surprising. All at a cost of billions to taxpayers and millions in rate increases in electricity. To be honest, I don’t care how guilt free these green nutjobs feel.

  5. NikFromNYC says:

    The brazen psychological projection of Hansen’s Whores: huddling together in greasy little basement forums, imagining their own crawling skin also infecting science jocks, their desire to lash out and slash tires and key cars, burn down fresh new houses, suddenly their own zombie army is eying them, hell on earth arriving in spades, hark who’s that in the mirror, my god they’re going to eat us alive, we the chosen ones!

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