How Low Can They Go?

One of my kids just told me that Ken Buck “is a wacko because wants to get rid of student loans.”

Where did he get this information? The usual Democratic Party fraud.

Why aren’t these people prosecuted, like they would be if they were in the private sector?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to How Low Can They Go?

  1. Mike Davis says:

    The more people that are dependents of the government the more those people will vote how their handlers want.
    Student loans is an area where more accountability is needed.
    I do agree with Buck on this.

  2. SMS says:

    The growth of student loans follows an upward curve that cannot be sustained. The students getting loans today better realize that they are the ones that are going to be subsidizing future loans. And they are not going to be happy when they get the bill.

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    I have a ten cent theory on this. It needs study, so somebody give me a grant. But it goes like this: Ever notice that when a lot of money is flowing into something, it becomes expensive? (yes, of course I know about supply and demand) But take for example the city of Kirkland or Bellevue here in the Emerald state. At the height of the dot com boom, I remember hearing on the radio the average Microsofty was making 400k per year off their options. These two Cities are the jewels of the east side. Waterfront property on cold and clammy Lake Washington became more expensive than Oceanfront in Southern Cal at one point. So, it’s a twist on supply and demand.

    It isn’t that supply was necessarily limited. But supply of the (only local) Creme de la creme was limited, and with so many people running around with 400k in their pocket, prices were driven into the stratospere.

    ….. Leading to my ten cent theory: That high prices can often signal that you’re throwing too much money at a problem.

    … and perhaps this is why Education has become so expensive. It may be excessively funded. When large sums of money with no repayment for years are available, this can fuel rising prices. You throw more money as prices rise, only to see them rise further. But cut off junior from access to his education by providing less financial assistance? No support for that, but a slow decline might just work.

    And we should look at how foreign nationals are flooding into our schools. (And if Federal dollars are paying their way) We demand more money from them.
    That SOUNDS good. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Maybe it drives prices higher. Maybe schools would find a way to offer better value for less if they had less to work with.

    Student loans of small amounts may be okay. There are a plethora of other revenue streams supporting education. It could be we’re feeding a monster.

  4. ChrisD says:

    Fortunately, Republican/conservative TV ads are always 100% accurate.


    • slp says:

      As Mom always said, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” It does not matter who is lying, it is wrong. Period. But the Democrat Party (top down) does not even bother to use half-truths or misleading statements anymore, they push outright lies and get away with it due to a largely sycophantic press.

  5. ChrisD says:

    I’m not arguing that it’s right. I wish all campaign ads were truthful. I’m simply pointing out that anyone who wants to prosecute “these people” had better be prepared for the prosecution of Republicans as well.

    And, by the way, it’s Democratic Party. You Republics seem to have a lot of trouble with this.

    • There isn’t anything democratic about that group of thugs any more.

      • Nobama says:

        Isn’t THAT the truth. Many of them actually caucus with the DSA (Democrat-Socialist Party) or even the CPA (Communist Party) The Democrat-Socialists’ platform sounds like communism to me (No private enterprise) Tho I hear they’ve changed it since so many people realized what they really are.

        So many of the Democrats and a few Republicans are really revolutionaries intent on destroying our way of governance.

        And Chris, I call them Democrat because the term “Deranged Scumbags” seems a tad harsh for the few of them that still have their wits.

  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    One of the oddest things people have believed about a politician in recent years is that Barak Obama is a Christian and not a Muslim. A tree is known by its fruits. One of the easiest fruits to pick is that NASA’s “foremost” mission in Barak Obama’s presidency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. Boldly going where no NASA has gone before.

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