French Academy of Science : “Global warming ‘unquestionably’ linked to humans”

“Several independent indicators show an increase in global warming from 1975 to 2003. This increase is mainly due to the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide,” the academy said in conclusion to the report.

There seems to be no limit to the dissonance in the climate science community. Temperatures started warming in the mid-1970s because of the PDO shift.

It is completely irrational to blame the warming on CO2. Did CO2 suddenly change properties in 1975?

From 1940-1975, CO2 rose and temperatures didn’t.

From 1975 – 2000, CO2 rose and temperatures did too.

The only logical conclusion we can draw about CO2 is that it has been increasing in concentration.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to French Academy of Science : “Global warming ‘unquestionably’ linked to humans”

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Sorry Steve. This is totally off topic but I just had to post it. It really is unbelievable… 🙂

  2. peterhodges says:


    thanks, and congratulations on the traffic and good job on the blog.

    keeps me amused 😉

    battery is dying, time to trade the laptop in for a book if i want to stay outside in the sun!

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Human caused global warming can be traced back to the “Corrections” made in the historic temperature records. However I really doubt that CO2 was the culprit that caused past temperatures to be reduced.
    Peter: use an extension cord or build a south facing sun room like I did.

  4. Brendon says:

    Yawn – been here before Steve. You still have problems.

    If ENSO is to blame, why was there warming during the cooler parts of ENSO?

    Why are you making CO2/Temp comparison without taking other radiative factors into account?

    Why are you calculating climate snesitivity without consideration for radiative equilibrium?

  5. Scott says:

    Steve, can you put the CO2 data on the first graph show it shows all three data (CO2, ENSO, and temps) together?


  6. Mike Davis says:

    Doing that only makes pictures that have little to do with reality.
    HADCRU temperature records are best guess estimates after adjustments have been made to match the current theory and ENSO has been smoothed but shows the natural variations in climate.
    CO2 is related in that warmer temperatures allow more CO2 to be in the atmosphere which permits increased biological activity. In a cooler world more CO2 is locked up in the oceans.

  7. Willie McDonald says:

    The Anatomy of Earth, and Global Warming.
    Earth’s Orbit around the Sun is Decaying.

    The real reason for global warming is the earth’s orbit around the sun is slowly decaying, in other words the earth is moving closer to the sun. The earth is a planet that functions like a machine. Like cars, trucks, aircraft, or rockets. The earth has a fuel system (crude oil/ methane gas wells), an engine system (the core), an exhaust system (volcanoes), and a cooling system (the oceans). A car’s engine system generates torque, an aircraft’s engine system generates thrust, and the earth’s engine system generates a powerful magnetic field.

    People take the earth’s magnetic field for granted, because it’s invisible, and silent. The earth’s magnetic field protects all life on the surface of this planet from the sun. The magnetic field performs several other functions. The magnetic field holds this planet together, and holds life, objects, and the ocean to the surface of this planet, it retains the air we breathe, and keep it from escaping into space. It protects life on this planet from sun flares, deadly radiation, and from poisonous gases, it acts as a force shield, and its responsible for thunder storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards

    The earth acts as a generator’s armature, it rotates at one thousand miles per hour, its magnetic field brushes against the magnetic field of the surrounding universe, and electricity is generated, just like in a common generator. This energy is trapped in earth’s atmosphere, where it gathers moisture from the atmosphere, and forms thunder storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow storms, etc. These are all electromagnetic phenomena.

    The earth’s magnetic field also, keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the moon. The molten core of the earth is the engine that generates the magnetic field. The earth’s fuel system is referred to as oil wells/ crude oil reservoirs. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells. Like any machine, if you were to shut off fuel to the engine, the engine will stop operating. The oil company’s crude oil extraction process compromises the earth’s fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earth’s engine (the core), by releasing pressure out of the earth fuel system (oil wells). Normally the pressure in a crude oil well/ reservoir is tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds per square inch. These oil wells are located all around the planet for even heating of the core. Uneven heating of the core will result in a shift in the earth’s axle.

    Under normal circumstance the core (the engine) stays at a constant between 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and the pressure in the core is tens of thousands to hundreds of pounds per square inch. The oil is ignited long before it reaches the core, and enters the lower mantle, and outer core as flames, and heat. Crude oil, and its components are called hydrocarbons, and are capable of generating the temperatures, and pressures found in the core, and lower mantle, and in oil wells.

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    The higher the temperature in the core the stronger the earth’s magnetic field. The cooler the temperature in the core, and the weaker the earth’s magnetic field. The earth’s engine is being fuel starved, and the core is slowly cooling. As the core cools the earth’s magnetic field will weakens, and the earth will be pulled closer to the sun.

    Global warming has nothing to do with green house gases (Co2), holes in the ozone, CFC, R-12 refrigerant, the sun going nova, aerosol propellant, methane gases, or the earth going through a cycle, etc. Hydrocarbons such as coal are safe to use, its crude oil/ methane gas that should be left alone. If Co2 gases are responsible for global warming, why aren’t there reports of a spike in global temperature in the early twentieth century, during the industrial revaluation in America, and Europe? WARNING:

    1. The high temperature in the core of this planet is not sustained by decaying
    nuclear material, or nuclear processes. The radiation would escape during volcanic eruptions. No radiation has ever been detected after a volcanic eruption. Only crude oil, and natural gas by-products, such as the great pressures, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide gases, etc.

    2. Thousands of scientist, geophysicists, and environmentalist don’t believe in the green house gas theory, because it makes no sense.

    The only way to reverse global warming is for the oil companies to re-pressurize the earth’s fuel systems (crude oil/ methane gas wells). One way this can be accomplished is by igniting the methane gas in the fuel cell (oil/ gas well). The ignited gas will expand, and create the pressure need to force the remaining crude oil (fuel) into the outer core. This is the real cause for global warming, and the only way it can be reversed. It must be understood crude oil, and methane gas was not created to fuel our industries, or automobiles. It was created to fuel this planet.

    Volcanoes are the earth’s exhaust system, and was designed to rid the core (the earth’s engine) of spent fuel, debris, and they regulate the pressure in the outer core, which is generated by the combustion of crude oil, and methane gas. The pressure that’s release from volcanoes are provided by dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur, dioxide, carbon monoxide, and the facts are these are all crude oil by-product, including the pressure.

    These gases, and the pressure proves beyond a shadow of doubt, that crude oil, and natural gas are being burned in the lower mantle, and outer core of this planet, and lots of it. The materials ejected from volcanoes originate from the earth’s core.Volcanic eruptions in the pass were stronger, than present day eruptions. This is due to the core of this planet cooling. The more hydrocarbons that are burned in the lower mantle, outer core the higher the core’s temperature, and the stronger, and more frequent volcanic eruptions will occur. Green house gases are not responsible for global warming. It goes beyond green house gases.

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    Something is going wrong with the earth itself, and its obit around the sun is changing. These are not separate events they are part of the orbital decay.

    1. The earth is moving away from the moon. 1.5 inches per year

    2. The rotation of the earth is slowing down.

    3. The earth is shifting on its axis (40 miles per year). Twelve o’clock noon use to be the hottest part of the day. Now three o’clock in the after noon is the hottest part of the day. This is due to the earth shifting on its axis. The earth is also wobbling on it axis. This was discovered before the Chilean earthquake in 2010. I discovered it on the internet in 2008.

    4. NASA scientists have discovered that the earth is developing a breach in its magnetic field.

    5. Both polar ice caps are being melted, one at a time, during each polar ice cap’s summer season, and the oceans are rising, due to the melting ice.

    6. As the earth moves closer to the sun, the sun’s heat, and rays will continue to spread, and warm a wider area of the earth’s surface. It will warm areas of the planet that are in it’s winter season. The heat will spread to the polar ice caps, and will melt all of the ice.

    The events above were discovered by other geophysicists, astrophysicists, and environmentalist. These scientists believe that the events above will get worse in the following decades. The orbital decay, and global warming are in the beginning stages the worse has yet to come. If global warming isn’t reverse it is going to impact people, who has yet to be born. Don’t be confused by the fluctuation in weather (temperature) from year to year. Instead focus on the trends, and the trends are both polar ice caps are being melted, and the temperature on this planet is rising, and so are the oceans. Global warming has to be measured by the centuries. The earth’s orbit around the sun will decay very slowly.

    Written by: Willie McDonald (July-1983)
    [email protected]

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    The Anatomy of Earth, and Global Warming
    References, and Sources

    1. The earth magnetic field protects all life on the surface of this planet. The molten activity in earth’s core generates the earth’s magnetic field
    Sources: NASA, and NASA Official: Dr. Tycho Von Rosenvinge. The U.S. Department of the Interior, and the U.S.G.S., and NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center.

    2. Source: Gold, Tom, “Oil from the Centre of the Earth”, New Scientist, p.42, June 26, 1986“Petroleum is saturated with Hydrogen” Hydrocarbons are a volatile gas.
    Source: Research Council in 1985, titled Oil in the Sea; National Academy Press cited in Jones, and Neuse (1995). The composition of petroleum.

    3. The Earth shifting on axis, and the earth moving away from moon, and the rotation of earth is slowing down, and a breach developing in earth’s magnetic field. These are not separate events. It’s due to the earth orbit around the sun decaying.
    Sources: NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA, USGS, and the American Astronomical Society.
    Source: Richard A. Lovett, San Francisco for National Geographic News- (The Earth’s magnetic core- Earth Shifting on Axis) December 24, 2009.

    4. The pressure from is volcanoes are provided by the combustion of hydrocarbons such as crude oil, and methane gas. All hydrocarbons expand, and pressure is creates, when ignited in an enclosed vessel, such as the outer core, and the lower mantle. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc are release. These are all crude oil, and methane gas by-product, and that includes the pressure.
    Sources: USGS.
    Reference: Blong, R. J. 1984, Volcanic hazards-A sourcebook on the effect of eruptions: Academic Press, Australia, 424p.
    Reference: Kenneth A. McGee, and Terrence M. Gerlach, 1995/ Volcanic Gas: USGA open file report 95-85, 2p.

    5. Thousands of scientists disagree with the green house gas theory.
    Sources: U.S Senate Environmental, and Public Works Committee/ Minority Staff Report (Senator Inhofe).
    Original Release: December 11, 2008. Presented at the United Nation Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland. Contact: Senator: Marc Morano (202) 224-5762, or Senator: Matthew Dempsey (202) 224-9797.
    Sources: (The global warming petition project). 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 scientists with PhDs denouncing the green house gas theory.

    6. Both polar ice caps are beginning to melting, and causing the seas to rise.
    Sources: NRDC, NOAA, and NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center, and the EPA.

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