BBC : Down Is Up

ScreenHunter_138 Feb. 01 07.52

The BBC lead story reports that the US economy is booming – as evidenced by a surprise downturn.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to BBC : Down Is Up

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Do people pay any attention to the BBC ? I haven’t for years now . Throw out your tv and get a life of your own .

  2. Mickey says:

    It is estimated that 1.7 million college students will graduate in 2013. The US is barely creating enough jobs to keep up with employment needs of college graduates, let along make a dent in the 10+ million currently unable to find work.

  3. Of course when UK unemployment fell under the Tory govt last year, the BBC tried to downplay the news, and pretend it had not really happened.

  4. More people are dropping out of the workforce each month than finding jobs. Nothing more needs to be said, we are in a depression.

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