Sixty Years Ago Today – When The UK Climate Was Safe

Climate scientists say that there just wasn’t enough CO2 in the atmosphere in 1953 to produce heavy rain.

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Today marks the 60th anniversary of the 1953 floods where over 300 people died, 24,500 houses were damaged and over 30,000 people were evacuated. Outside the towns and villages, thousands of animals were drowned and great tracts of farmland were made infertile by salt water. This was one of the worst peace time calamities to hit Britain with Winston Churchill declaring it a “National Disaster”.

Met Office News Blog

Barack Obama believes that he can restore the climate back to what it used to be like.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Sixty Years Ago Today – When The UK Climate Was Safe

  1. Marco says:

    1836 people lost their lives in The Netherlands on that day. Instead of trying to prevent bad weather, they built the Delta Works to protect the people.

  2. Traitor in Chief says:

    He’s doing a good job of restoring the poverty.

  3. Climatism says:

    61 years later, do you think 10 million pounds will alleviate flooding in the UK or featherbed alarmists’ bank accounts and guarantee job security?

    I am astonished by the open brazenness of this grant driven headline ….

    “Lack of research linking climate change and floods is a ‘scandal'”

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