They thought that two women were a large man, and accidentally riddled the truck with bullet holes.
Police Accidentally Shoot Newspaper Deliverers During Manhunt
February 7, 2013
Police Accidentally Shoot Newspaper Deliverers During Manhunt – Reason 24/7 :
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My count was 42 – 45…. That hit the car.
if it was a gray Corolla….they could have taken out 1/2 of Mexico
The big mystery to me is 30 hits out of how many total shots?
If you can’t even hit the vehicle reliably, you couldn’t possibly have public safety on your mind. The guys that fired these shots should find a new line of work that doesn’t involve marksmanship.
Bingo. Now who was it that said they were highly trained, was it not Piers Douche Brit?
Happily, I wouldn’t even know. 🙂
I’m wallowing in the ignorance of what’s on MSM news. 🙂
What do you suppose they were aiming at when they hit the tailgate? WTF? It has been a while since I have done any shooting, but I can guarantee I am still a better shot than that! And they say “we don’t need no stinking 2nd amendment?” Really? If this isn’t a clear cut enough reason why we do need the 2nd amendment, I don’t know what is.
Remember, just ask yourself, how often is it that a police officers stops a crime? How often does a gun carrying civilian stop a crime? … exactly!
Wrong one this one.
We now have an idea as to why the government bought ALL that ammunition – the city, state, and federal cops are LOUSY shots
I made it up to Big Bear yesterday, and cops flagged me over for a car check. “What’s up?” I said. “Have you been watching the news?” “No.” Apparently the cop killer had abandoned his vehicle just a couple of blocks from our cabin. I made sure to lock the doors, lol. It’s been snowing heavily all day today. I did some shoveling, it seemed like a foot and a half. And it felt like a ghost town out there today. It’s going down to 14 tonight.
Such utter incompetence and complete lack of discipline…if it were the perp they were looking for, he would have still been able to return fire a likely kill them.