Christopher Dorner wants to kill a few dozen children because he doesn’t like their fathers.
Franny Armstrong visualizes killing any school child who disagrees with her about global warming.
Prince Philip wants to be reincarnated as a virus, and kill millions of people at random.
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
But seriously the overcrowding at the Cote d’azure was deplorable last summer. And the time it took to get a table booking at Astoux et Ci Brun was deplorable. Something should be done.
The Prince has previously expressed somewhat odd reincarnation desires. Perhaps it is progress that he has evolved from an inanimate object to something alive as his preferred next stage.
His son wants to be reincarnated as a tampon, which should be easy because he is already a total douche bag.
Didn’t the Prince want to be a femanine hygene product?
Considering the vast carbon footprint of the royal family and their hangers-on, infecting them would be a good start for him.