Obama Thinks Fires Are Getting Worse

Obama said last week that wildfires are getting worse due to CO2.

The single worst wild fire in U.S. history, in both size and fatalities, is known as the Great Peshtigo Fire which burned 3.8 million acres (5,938 square miles) and killed at least 1,500 in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan during the week of October 8-14, 1871

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The worst wild fire in western history and the 2nd largest overall in the United States was the Great Fire of 1910. This massive forest fire burned some 3 million acres (4,700 square miles) in Idaho and Montana beginning on August 20-21, 1910. It killed at least 87 people

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The largest (and deadliest) wild fire in Canadian history as well as in the northeast of the U.S. was the Miramichi Fire of October 7, 1825. An estimated 3 million acres (4,685 square miles) of forest burned in the Canadian province of New Brunswick and in the U.S. state of Maine. At least 160 people died but the toll may have been much higher since an unknown number of loggers in the area may have perished.

A wild fire in Acadia National Park, Maine during October 25-27, 1947 destroyed much of Bar Harbor, burned 205,678 acres (321 square miles), and killed 16.

Canada’s largest fire in modern history was the Chapleau-Mississagi fire of May and June, 1948 in northeastern Ontario. It burned 691,880 acres (1,081 square miles) and smoke from the fire was dense enough in Texas to cause streetlights to turn on during the daytime in some cities. A smaller but deadlier wild fire, the so-called Porcupine Fire, burned 494,000 acres (772 square miles) in northern Ontario in July 1911. At least 70 people died in several mining camps and communities in the area.

Perhaps the largest wild fire in modern world history was that known as The Black Friday Bushfire in Australia’s Victoria State on January 13, 1939. Some 5 million acres burned (7,800 square miles) and 71 died. About 75% of the entire state was affected and 1,100 homes and log mills were destroyed. Ash from the fires fell in New Zealand some 2000 miles to the east.

Weather Extremes : The Worst Wild Fires in World History | Weather Underground

FOREST FIRES IN COLORADO. – People in Northwest Part of the State Said to be Fleeing for Their Lives — Loss Will Be Enormous. – View Article – NYTimes.com




About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama Thinks Fires Are Getting Worse

  1. gary says:

    Meteor like coincidence? That #1 fire was the SAME week of the Great Chicago Fire!

  2. gator69 says:

    Those are unadjusted numbers, and they cannot be trusted until they are scientifically manipulated heavily for decades. Those people would be dead by now anyway.

    • miked1947 says:

      Steven just went back in time and rewrote history so he could “Cherry Pick” those events to make it appear fires were worse in the past! Any way it is not polite to make fun of the Mentally Challenged, such as O’Bambi!!!!
      I am not polite!!!! (Just so that is clear)

  3. tckev says:

    Awe shucks! You just cherry-picked those dates to show-up that problem. What a thing to do. Of all the time there was you had to pick that time – anyway how do you know it really happened then? And what color shirt was the reporter wearing when he made the dispatch? Can’t answer can you?

    OMG i’m channeling TPeel!

  4. Ben says:

    Nothing but anecdotes every day. You have to put those stories in a peer reviewed journal before they become TRUTH.

  5. jimash1 says:

    Fires always burn “worse” in high CO2 conditions .
    That is why they put in fire extinguishers.

  6. Michael D Smith says:

    First the dice have to WANT to be unloaded

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