Biden Says To Use An Empty Shotgun To Defend Your Home

You can’t make up stupid like this :

“If there’s ever a problem,” Biden said he told his wife Jill, “just walk out on the balcony here–walk out, put that double barrel shot gun and fire two blasts outside the house — I promise you whoever is coming in … You don’t need an AR-15, it’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use…Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!”

Biden: “Buy A Shotgun, Buy A Shotgun” – YouTube

Once you fire two blasts from a double barreled shotgun, the gun is empty. Most criminals can probably count to two. Any kind of defensive load in a 12 gauge is unmanageable by most women and many men. An AR-15 is much easier to handle, and will protect you – rather than get you killed. As usual, Biden has no idea what he is talking about.

I am also thinking that an Obama para-military thug with an automatic AR-15 and 284,000 rounds of ammunition – is not going to be deterred by your empty shotgun.

Obama and Biden threaten your children’s future. Call up you congressman today – while you still have one.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Biden Says To Use An Empty Shotgun To Defend Your Home

  1. bubbagyro says:

    where do all the 00 pellets go? Isn’t that a felony, discharging a weapon in a residential area? Maybe his recommendation, ex cathedra, repeals these laws?

    I see more than two empty barrels here. What a buffoon!

  2. gator69 says:

    This is what he told his wife?

    “Hey hon, just go out on the balcony and announce your presence, make a pretty target for the guys with real guns sweetcheeks.”

    Let’s hope he was drinking again.

  3. phodges says:

    I’ll stick with the Saiga12, thanks Joe…

  4. slimething says:

    “JOE, there are two outside and two inside the house, and it looks like they have illegal firearms!! What nerve! I heard one of them laughing saying we’re Democrats, it’s clear. Oh and you shot the neighbor’s dog”

    “Grab the scissors, hide under my desk and whistle, I’ll be down in a minute, now where is that phone when you really need it….”

  5. David says:

    …and then Joe called Obama to ask for air support… and then he remeberd Benganzi…and then the poor boy vowed to come back as a conservative.

  6. Lynn Clark says:

    As I commented on, where the video of Biden’s stupid remarks is posted, I’d love to see Jill Biden fire two rounds from a double-barrel, 12-gauge shotgun, and then two rounds from an AR-15, and then tell all of us which gun she would prefer to keep around for self-defense.

  7. Otter says:

    Is it possible he left out the part where he told her to put the barrel of the gun to the assailant’s chest, before pulling the trigger? No?

  8. Eric Simpson says:

    Biden’s a nutcase. He should be in a straight-jacket in a padded room.

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