Buenos Aires Is The New Canary In The Coal Mine

The climate canary has flown his coop again. He used to live in Alaska then Moscow then Washington DC, but has now moved to Buenos Aires for a day.

ScreenHunter_147 Apr. 09 04.30

Deluge in Buenos Aires Could Be Sign of Rainfall to Come: Scientific American

Scientific American readers are convinced that rain in Argentina never happened before, and it is your fault..

ScreenHunter_148 Apr. 09 04.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Buenos Aires Is The New Canary In The Coal Mine

  1. pinroot says:

    If the “deniers” did provide this guy with a climate model that said things are going to be fine, he (and people like him) would refuse to believe it, because there’s no doom and gloom. Ultimately, these people want to believe “the end is near” and only big government is capable of saving them.

  2. Ivan says:

    This canary gets around:
    On Wednesday, the 9th of March, one of the most fearful storms ever experienced in the River Plate burst over Buenos Ayres.
    As the evening closed in the storm increased, the rain began to fall in torrents about 5 o’clock, and many of the streets were flooded with two or three feet of water; this became a deluge after four hours of the most incessant downpour, and some people lost their lives in carriages, trying to cross the Tercero. At the corner of Suipacha and Cordoba a coach was carried away; the coachman escaped, but the passengers and horses were drowned. At Calle Libertad and Cuyo another coach was carried down by the current, and the driver and his horses drowned. At Calle Defensa the current washed away a child, and some other casualties of this kind are reported in the south end. Some of our friends resident at Cinco Esquinas had to made a detour by the Calle Rivadavia to get home, the Recoleta omnibus having broken down at half-past 5, and tho streets become dangerous
    to cross.”
    ~24 June 1870

  3. gator69 says:

    I need to have a word with my fossil fuel paymaster, it appears he lost my address.

  4. Ivan says:

    A sudden storm which raged early this week in the Argentine Republic destroyed 300,000 tons of wheat, which was stored at Buenos Ayres.
    ~11 March 1899

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Warmistas can reduce CO2 emissions by not using any fossil fuels, or food produced with fossil fuels, not having any children and also stop breathing out. I’m tired of them asking everyone else to do something they are unwilling to do. Hypocrits.

  6. Ivan says:

    BUENOS AIRES. September 7.
    Thousands of sheep and cattle of an estimated value of 5,000,000 pesos are reported to have perished in an unprecedented four days storm, in the territory of Lapampa.”
    ~11 Sept 1923

  7. Ivan says:

    Town Razed, Wide Areas Flooded.
    The Buenos Aires correspondent of the ‘New York Times’ states: — ‘The abnormal climatic conditions which the Argentine has suffered for the past fortnight have reached a violent climax with an outburst of the worst storms for many years, accom panied by earthquakes felt over a zone of 47,000 square miles.
    Throughout yesterday afternoon Buenos Aires was almost dark because of violent rains, which flooded a wide area.”
    ~14 June 1934

  8. Ivan says:

    BUENOS AYRES, May 15.
    There have been further heavy falls of rain in the province of Buenos Ayres, and the lower portions of the city are again in flood. The rains, however, will be of incalculable benefit to the agricultural industry.”
    ~16 May 1911

  9. Justa Joe says:

    Does Sault actually have the expectation that there should never be any bad storms?

    Also Sault is a good example of warmists’ flawed logic. The weather/climate doesn’t know bad or “fine.” Those are labels that people apply.

  10. mkelly says:

    There is only one place in the USA where that name “Sault” is found a city in the UP of Michigan. The university there has turned away from the engineering and geology roots of the school to a more liberal out look.

  11. Andy DC says:

    It could not have rained hard there before! There is no way that that anything but exactly normal rain could have occurred during the innocent time before angry white males started emmitting CO2 from their awful pickup trucks and also started mowing down Bambi with their evil assualt weapons!

  12. Rosco says:

    Less geopolitical entanglements from the UN ???

    What amazing stupidity.

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