Climate Change Cancels All Flights Into Chicago

Global weirding has struck Chicago, and all flights into O’Hare have been cancelled.

Which is why I’m stuck in New York. ROFL

ScreenHunter_04 Apr. 18 11.55

Sinkhole swallows three cars on Chicago’s South Side – U.S. News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Climate Change Cancels All Flights Into Chicago

  1. Lance says:

    this sink hole was caused by a large collection of co2, and then it gathered itself together causing a mini co2 black hole and then fell from the sky, hitting this road. This is a warning that it can strike again anywhere….

    by the way, this occured in Chicago… not from USA…but anywhere near where ‘his eminence’ is from ?

    • squid2112 says:

      Chicago is where “his eminence” gained his radical political flight, that is for sure. Not where he is “from” .. nobody really knows really where “his eminence” is from, and his eminence has lied about it so much for so many years that it is now almost impossible to tell where he is “really” from.

  2. Justa Joe says:

    With Flooding all over the Chicgoland area Ol’ Bill McKibben is probably going to lay low with the midwestern drought schtick.

  3. bkivey says:

    In the South Side of Chicago
    Is the baddest hole in town
    Folks down there better just beware
    Just where they stand their ground

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