The Yin And The Yin

Everything is completely clear to John Kerry. And he learned a new word!

Report on Syria Chemical Weapons released, Kerry said evidence irrefutable

John Kerry statement | Syria | Declassified Report

“The science is clear. It is irrefutable and it is alarming,” Kerry told a climate conference in Majuro in the Marshall Islands in a video address from Washington.

Climate science alarming, irrefutable: Kerry | Bangkok Post: news

When the White House uses the word irrefutable, what they mean is that they are trying to rush something very destructive through, which wouldn’t stand up under any kind of serious debate.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to The Yin And The Yin

  1. EW3 says:

    There’s a reason he is AKA John Fraud Kerry.

    If we an an impartial media in this country this clown would have been long gone.

  2. gator69 says:

    IMO chem weapons were used. The question is who used them and why?

  3. Gamecock says:

    “Irrefutable” is White House Speak for STFU.

  4. Hugh K says:

    All I see is John ‘who served in Vietnam’ Kerry posturing to take on Shrillary in the 2016 elections. Those debates should be fun…

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