Expert Rejects Idea That Mars Canals Are For Signaling Earth

ScreenHunter_160 May. 12 15.44

MARS CANALS FOR DRAINAGE. – German Says They Are to Prevent Floods When Pole Caps Melt. – View Article –

I am not sure which way to go with this theory, and am also still undecided about Yo-Yos causing drought in Syria.

ScreenHunter_174 Sep. 03 22.08

23 Jan 1933 – YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA Blamed For Drought By Mosl…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Expert Rejects Idea That Mars Canals Are For Signaling Earth

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Both theories have been successfully modelled by NASA. Caterpillar Tractor is sponsoring the canal theory and Mattel sponsor the yo-yo theory. 97% of astrophysicists support both theories! Anyone who denies this is a dingbat!

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