Botulism Toxin Shown To Eat Away Your Conscience Too

ScreenHunter_298 Sep. 07 08.07

Kerry Makes Pitch For EU Support Over Syria

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Botulism Toxin Shown To Eat Away Your Conscience Too

  1. R. de Haan says:

    WW III anyone?

    • R. de Haan says:

      Both the USA and the EU will need a war as a cover up for the financial situation and all the scandals.

      I also think Obama will not limit his actions to Syria. Iran is the main target and that will draw Russia and China into the conflict.

      For those who still claim Syria is in a state of civil war, think twice. We have the Qatar poring billions of dollars of arms and financial means into the conflict as they support the Sunni opposition. At the same time Saudi Arabia has engaged in a proxy war with Qatar as they support the Salafist opposition. This pack of extremists together the Al Quadi related fractions is supported by Europe, the US and Turkey. In the mean time Assad has received support from Russia in terms of arms, support and consultation and, Iran, Hezbollah and Iraq who have send in thousands of fighters.

      Even without an official US attack on Syria this conflict will further escalate, especially now Israel knows it is alone in it’s defense against Iran and the extremists.

      We haven’t talked about Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon and Bahrein and we haven’t talked about the islamic states bordering Russia, all contributing to the current powder keg ready to explode.

      And explode it will rather sooner than later.

      I doubt if the zealots heading the EU realize that the fall out of this conflict could easily result in a nuclear conflict with the potential to wipe Europe from the map.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Major crime to report. Huge kidnapping in Hollywood. Stars missing, location unsure, ransome note sure to be sent to authorities.

    Such a tragedy.

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