What Can We Expect This Year?

Two of the big stories of 2012 were the shootings at Aurora and Sandy Hook.

The James Holmes story has been completely buried by a court gag order. We do know that his father works for DARPA and that he was studying drug-induced alternate reality at the University of Colorado. We also know that the deputy who arrested him thinks there may have been accomplices, and that Holmes’ lawyer has said “there is a lot more to this story than the public has heard.

Same story with Sandy Hook. The Connecticut attorney general has said that there are other suspects, and an armed SWAT team member from another town was taken into custody outside the school. Law enforcement initially reported that the shooting was done with pistols, and the story later morphed into an assault rifle. No new information has been released since a few days after the shooting.

My first question for evaluating government BS is – who benefits?  The only people who benefit from these massacres are the gun-grabbers, who were dancing on the children’s graves within hours of the shooting. So what can we expect this year?

Any school which hasn’t massively ramped up security this year is run by fools. There are evil and determined people out there.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to What Can We Expect This Year?

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    You for got the Arctic Cyclone that made the Arctic sea ice to blow and melt away. If the large ice breakers were not Crushing large paths during summer more ice would of survived. I can only find one Russian Ice breaker went to the north pole at the end of July for 2013.
    All the green on this map will become multi year ice.

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    #1 2013, Continued Failure of ALL Climate Scientist predictions and Climate models of the Arctic being Ice Free in 2013. Lots of Ice and Re Freeze starting. Most will be multi year ice that is shown on this map. http://iceweb1.cis.ec.gc.ca/Prod20/page3.xhtml

    #2 2013 Climate Prediction Fraud to capitalize on the fear of the people and such money in Carbon Tax Scemes .

  3. Joseph says:

    I’ve never been much of a conspiracy theorist for one reason: how can any government, especially this one, cover up something so elaborate without being obvious? In other words, how can such an incompetent entity go to such great lengths to cover this or that up? We are, after all, talking about the same admin that blames the Benghazi terrorist attack on a YouTube video.

    • And has gone to great lengths to cover up what happened at Benghazi.

      • Joseph says:

        I have to admit when I’m wrong. With that being said what I wrote made no sense and I pretty much proved myself wrong on the last paragraph.

        I guess I really don’t want to believe the malfeasance ( is that the right word? ) of some of our public officials.

  4. Robertv says:

    The Boston Drill ?

  5. Crock Hunter says:

    OMG… this is a conspiracy site too… I’ve struck gold.. . ..

    Much to this administration discredit .. Gun rights have expanded, not been reduced..

    Strangest thing is going on… the number of guns in America is increasing yet the number of gun owners in America has been in decline since the 80s.. Gunnuts are buying .. more guns..

    U.S. gun owners account for less than 1% of the world’s population yet possess one-third of the privately held guns on the planet.. . and strangely they want people to believe that their gun rights are being threatened..

    We can hope that as more and more of these frightened and angry white guys die out.. the odd phenomena of the personal arsenal will die with them.

    • The vast majority of gun crime in the US occurs in heavily Democratic regions, by minority gangs using illegal handguns. Even so, the US murder rate is down 40% since the 1990s

      In regions where there are a lot of NRA members like where I live, the crime rate is close to zero.

      Your mindless prejudices make you an industrial grade moron. You have no idea what you are talking about and insist on dicking with other people.

      What an asshole. In the 2014 elections, hopefully dangerous busybodies like you will be marginalized.

      • Crock Hunter says:

        “occurs in heavily Democratic regions, by minority gangs using illegal handguns.”

        How amazingly ignorant you are.. Worse.. you’re willfully ignorant.. Republicans in the pocket of NRA thugs have made such places havens for illegal gun runners..

        Paying the toll in lives on Chicago’s ‘Gun Skyway’
        As illegal weapons keep coming from Indiana, Sheriff Tom Dart tries to slow gun traffic on the border.
        April 11, 2013
        By: Michael Puente

        Hunters and gun aficionados converge on these shows held throughout the year across Indiana, including in nearby places like Crown Point and Valparaiso. What has Illinois officials upset, and, it should be said, a lot of Hoosiers as well, is the ability for individuals to buy as many guns as they want without first having to go through a background check. At the gun shows all a buyer needs is an Indiana I.D. that says they’re 18 years old.

        Moreover, a recent study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab showed that about 30 percent of guns recovered in Chicago crimes came from Indiana.

        “is the ability for individuals to buy as many guns as they want without first having to go through a background check. ”

        “30 percent of guns recovered in Chicago crimes came from Indiana.”

        “is the ability for individuals to buy as many guns as they want without first having to go through a background check. ”

        “30 percent of guns recovered in Chicago crimes came from Indiana.”

        “is the ability for individuals to buy as many guns as they want without first having to go through a background check. ”

        “30 percent of guns recovered in Chicago crimes came from Indiana.”


        You were minimized in 2008..2012 and very likely will be in 2016..(just keep picking nitwits like Palin, Bachmann, Paul, Santorum…) You cluelessly carry water for greedy evil people.. and appear proud of the damage you do to American… .. .

        • Exactly. The vast majority of gun crime in the US is committed by minority gangs in heavily Democratic areas using illegal handguns. Chicago laws make these guns illegal.

          It is the gangs, stupid. A 96 year old WWII veteran was beaten to death two weeks ago by gang members. This happens all the time in regions infested by gangs. Get rid of the gangs, and violence goes away.

  6. Yoshi says:

    So the people in Indiana are responsible for the murderers in Chicago? Who’s carrying all these guns into Chicago? Where do the other 60% of those recovered weapons come from, and who’s carrying THEM into Chicago? I’m all for keeping weapons away from the murderers of Chicago(or anywhere, for that matter). Why is Indiana being singled out? Is Indiana also suffering the level of crime Illinois is? If not, then, the laws they have in Indiana are working for them. Maybe the Illinois Legislature/law enforcement needs to do more, perhaps aspire to be more like Indiana? How, exactly, short of universal confiscation, can the murderers of Chicago be deprived of weapons? Maybe it’s not just the the weapons. They are tools being used for illegal purposes Illinois seems incapable, unable (or not caring to) deal with. Why is that Indiana’s problem? Is it because it’s politically expedient to blame others for their failings and troubles?
    BTW: I carry no water for either party (really only one, anymore) OR the NRA.

    • Crock Hunter says:

      Why is Indiana being singled out?”

      It was but one example.. there are many others.. but first you’d have to care to look..

      ” Why is that Indiana’s problem?”

      For the same reason that a state can no longer empty it’s sewage into a river to be carried into (and dealt with) another state.. .

      It is not unreasonable to insist that a state (or your neighbor) not be involved in a practice that endangers or degrades a neighboring state (or you) ..

      Is it a final solution for the problem.. no.. Is it a place to start.. Certainly..

  7. Crock Hunter says:

    You brandish Cluelessness as though it were desirable… then to right-wing extremists that may be so….

    I realize that you can see only as far as your compound wall but everywhere on the planet the primary impetus for gangs and gang violence is poverty.. It has nothing to do with someone’s politics.. Few if any gang members in Chicago or any urban environment have a clue as to a party’s ideology and likely even fewer vote..

    Republicans have shown repeatedly that they have absolutely no interest in policies that benefit AmericanS .. As Rmoney let slip.. keeping the 47% separate is one of their goals.. Republican leaders need the fear that a cast system creates to keep their base in line.. It is one of their Cash Cows..

    And you and the rest of the herd dutifully line up at the milking machine every two years to vote..

    • I’m looking forward to the imminent recall of the Colorado Senate president, who sold out the state to Obama and Bloomberg thugs. Next year comes the Governor flush.

      You and your gang of progressive bigoted hatemongers will be riding off into the sunset, at least here in Colorado.

  8. Crock Hunter says:

    “Sounds like an electronic threat via the Internet.”

    Paranoids and extremists would perhaps think that .. that is when you’re not busy threatening to “marginalize” people.. . Get over yourself…

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